whats cooler than being cool? ICE COLD baby!

Nov 17, 2003 14:18

Gotta love outkast. I think dancing to 'hey ya' is quite possibly the funnest thing ever. Nikki, you know what I'm talking about. haha.

Interesting conversation at lunch today. I wonder what makes minorities think white people are out to get them. Espeically at this school. I find it offensive, when they automatically assume that white people don't like them or have something against them. I actually hate it. Plain and simple. I don't even consider a spanish or black person different from me. The thought really hasn't crossed my mind. However maybe it's not my place to say any of this, because I've never been in their position. It just aggrivates me, because they look down upon us the same way that they say white people look down upon them.

And another thing, what makes people think they are better than other people? Because they're from New York City so that makes them tougher? Better? Less naive? More knowledgabe? So then they can group themselves together and walk around like they rule the school? Unaccepting of people who don't come from the same places, or know about the same things. I feel like my school is exactly like highschool in that way. People still look down upon others, people still judge, people still know exactly how to make others feel inferior. Bullshit. Luckily I'm in touch with my self and don't let it get to me, but its annoying to see it, to know its going on around me.

I can't believe how lazy I have become. I mean, I always get my work done, but I always save it until the last possible second. And everyone remembers my library tendencies from last year. I haven't been there in like 3 weeks, aside from the mere 15 minutes I was there last night but couldnt' take it anymore and left. I really honestly feel that last year I spent way too much time working, and barely enough time living. and its not an excuse to not do work. Its just, why stress? HUGE change in heart here. But i'd much rather get a B because I spent some time with my friends, or took a walk and enjoyed the view, or have an insightful conversation, then lock myself in the library and study all day and get an A. There is too much going on around us to let it all go without being noticed. Not to sound corney but if you realy stop and take a look around you, like really LOOk, you might understand where I'm coming from. Living in itself is a complete privledge, and I won't waste it away these next 3 years being stressed out. It's not worth it.

And another thing...what's so god damn wrong with being happy? I feel like people LIKE to mope around and wallow in self pity. Why not challenge yourself and find something to be happy about? Being depressed is totally not my style. Granted its okay to let something upset you for a bit, but to let it sit there and rot forever is not going to do anything.

had a great weekend. Haven't had one of those in a while. It really is true that things happen when you least expect them, and when you are out looking for things to happen they never ever will. It's true for me anyways. I love the unexpected, it's so much more exciting.

It's funny because it seems to be that it's always the one I really really have a childish, school girl, geeky crush on that is ridiculously unattainable. Why is that? It's been quite repetitive this year. WHY WHY WHY ROOOOAR!

Anyways I have to study for my test. Glad we're getting things done here. hah.

latterr becka
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