Fic: All My Tentacles Move In (One Direction)

Apr 27, 2013 23:58

Title: All My Tentacles Move In (One Direction)
Fandom: One Direction RPF
Pairing: OT5
Rating: NC-17
Summary: When they find out that an age-old family curse causes Zayn to grow tentacles, the rest of One Direction work together to help him deal with his slimy little problem in the sexiest way possible. Non-AU (except for the tentacles) set during the Judges' Houses phase of X Factor.
Notes: Written for tentaclebigbang. Fabulous art by the long-suffering and super-quick cherie_morte, who also provided the genius premise of this entire ridiculous story. Thanks to unavoidedcrisis for the title. And deepest thanks to rivers_bend for the last-minute beta. You are all rock stars. <33

Read it on A03!

rpf, nc-17, that dumb boy band with stupid hair

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