Meme time!

Aug 14, 2010 09:46

GUYS, I HAVE POSTED 45,000 WORDS OF FIC IN THE LAST MONTH. But now I have no more looming deadlines and my time is once again my own! And what I really want to do is write (relatively) contextless porn. Do you have porn prompts for me? I have very few squicks, and if you hit one I'll let you know. I also won't write anything that involves serious research, so heavy D/s is out, although D/s themes are fine. This is a public post, so anon comments are welcome. Consider this the smut version of that "if you could have me write anything..." meme. :)

ALSO, stolen from a buncha people: Ask me my Top Five Whatevers. Fannish or literary or otherwise. Any top fives. Doesn't matter what, really! Fandoms, ice cream flavours, books I might get around to writing one day, cartoon moments, women in my fandoms, OTPs, ideal holiday destinations, goals for the future, celebrity crushes, books I wish would be made into movies, love songs. And I will answer them all in a new post comments, probably.

fic becka's writing, memes, all about me!, drabbles, public

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