So I finished watching s1 of One Tree Hill...

Sep 04, 2008 00:21

I love Brooke. Like, A LOT. I think she's hot and awesome and FIERCE in the Tyra Banks sense, and I want everyone on the show to realize how kickass she is because sadly NO ONE SEEMS TO. At the moment, I'm convinced that she and Peyton should elope together because fr srs, boys are lame.

My feelings about the rest of the characters are more mixed. (Okay, that's not true. I love Jake too. I think he's really sweet, and I like him with Jenny, and he hasn't done anything at all to offend me. And Mouth. I really like Mouth. And not just because Brooke takes him to a strip club.) For example, I cannot tell if I'm supposed to think Lucas is good guy or not. He spends so much time being dumb about girls and oblivious to how deeply he hurts them (which is not surprising, given that his mom is the same way about men) that I'm inclined to think he should just take an oath of celibacy and save everyone a lot of heartache. He doesn't feel like a strong or particularly sympathetic protagonist, despite the fact that his name comes first in the credits.

I find both Dan and Deb completely over the top, and if I were Nathan I would probably get married to get the hell away from them too. I cannot understand how Dan gets through life being so unfailingly vindictive, petty, and MEAN to everyone he knows. His sense of entitlement sets my teeth on edge and I find myself wanting to leave the room whenever he comes on screen.

Exactly how long is basketball season? Because I kind of feel like it's lasted the entire school year. Also, how old are all these kids? Are they supposed to be sophomores in s1? Because they're really blase about sex for sophomores. And also five or ten years too old, but it's the WB, so. I have a feeling these are the sort of logical questions I'm not even supposed to ask.

I should not be trying to make this entry at 12:30 at night because, like, everything I thought to say is just GONE. But I heart Brooke. And I'm enjoying the crack enough that I'm gonna keep watching.

oth, i can has opinions, stupid television, public

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