This is going to be a fanwork-heavy evening, y'all. Be warned! There's crossposting, and maybe dog!Dean fic to follow.
This is my contribution to
Changing Seasons Harry/Ginny Exchange, which looks like it's got a whole lot of nifty stuff in it. I decided to be a fanartist for this one. Proceed at your own risk.
Title: Making Up
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Rating: R-ish for nudity
Notes: drawn for
esty1111. I got so wrapped up in trying to make art that was angsty, smutty, and funny that I forgot you asked for sex somewhere besides a bed. Eep! Hope you like it anyway. :)
Whinging: I had such ridiculous scanner issues on this one. I think it turned out okay, but I almost missed my plane back to school on Monday because of it. Very dramatic.