1) How old do you wish you were?
Being 19, almost 20 is good for me...I don't want to grow up too fast, or then I get rushed.
2) Where were you when 9/11 happened?
10th grade Geometry class (2nd period), but I didn't find out what happened until last period because my school was dumb and didn't feel like telling us.
3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
Get pissed and find someone who works where the vending machine is and make them give me my money back
4) Do you consider yourself kind?
Most of the time...
6) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
My lower back, ya I know it's not original but I think it's cute, so what if everyone else has it
7) If you had to be fluent in one language, what would it be?
Italian right now since that's where I'm going in the fall
8) Do you know your neighbors?
9) What do u consider a vacation?
When I get to get away from everything that is bugging me...like this summer is going to be a major vacation and I can't wait
10) Do you follow your horoscope?
kind of, I like to read it but I don't believe it all the time
11) Would you move for the person you loved?
probably...but I'd also expect them to move for me
12) Are you touchy feely?
yes...I'm a cuudle bug as one person likes to say haha
13) Do you believe that opposites attract?
sometimes, all depends on the personalities
14) Dream job?
doing advertising for a big company, like toyota and making sure their commercials don't suck like they do now
15) Favorite channel?
probably USA...I love Law & Order
16) Favorite place to go on weekends?
18) Showers or Baths?
19) Do you paint your nails?
no but I want to
22) Do you trust people easily?
ya, sometimes too easily
23) What are your phobias?
spiders, fire, death, losing someone close to me, bugs in general, the move the Ring
24) Do you want kids?
25) Do you keep a handwritten journal?
Sometimes...usually I only write in it when there's something big or important to write about.
26) Where would you rather be right now?
In Missouri with Jamie
28) Who makes you feel guilty?
it depends on the situation
29) heavy or light sleeper?
definitely a heavy sleeper
30) Are you paranoid?
sometimes a little bit
31) Are you impatient?
only when I'm driving or when I get something that I think is easy and someone else doesn't get it, I just can't understand sometimes
32) Who can you relate to?
a lot of my friends...Sue especially
33) Who is the last person you high-fived?
34) If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
No, I'm too much of a wuss
35) Do you sleep with the TV on?
I fall asleep to teh TV but if it stays on it wakes me up
36) Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
No, I don't get milk in a carton haha, unless you count in elementary school those little cartons
37) Have you ever won a spelling bee?
the only one I've ever been in I got 2nd place...I spelt city with an s...haha
38) Have you ever been stung by a bee?
once or twice...they hurt
39) How fast can you type?
pretty fast and I don't even have to look anymore haha
40) Are you afraid of the dark?
ya haha
41) Eye color?
42) Have you ever made out at a drive-in?
a little bit haha
43) When's the Last time you picked a bath over a shower?
a long time ago, although I want to take one in Missouri haha
44) Do you knock on wood?
ya sometimes
45) What is your favorite color?
46) Can you hoola hoop?
on my arm haha but that's easy
47) Are you good at keeping secrets?
48) What do you want for Christmas?
49) Do you know the Muffin Man?
who lives on Drury Lane? hahahhaa
50) Do you talk in your sleep?
51) Who wrote the book of love?
no one I've met haha
52) Have you ever flown a kite?
53) Do you wish on your fallen lashes?
when I remember to, I did that a lot with Mike
54) Do you consider yourself successful?
I think so, although I've definitely screwed up in certain areas
55) How many people are on your contact list of your cell?
a good amount
56) Who is your celebrity crush?
Channing Tatum
57) Plans for tomorrow?
58) Can you juggle?
59) Missing someone now?
60) When was the last time you told someone I Love You?
I believe on Thursday
61) And truly meant it?
Thursday to my parents haha
62) How often do you drink?
once a week, if that
63) How are you feeling today?
frustrated haha
64) What do you say too much?
Get over it, and I'm excited about working out haha, and Prof. Philip is the devil and he is a tool and a douchebag haha
65) Have you ever been suspend or expelled from school ?
66) What are you looking forward to?
May 10th when I get to see Jamie
67) Have you ever crawled through a window?
68) Have you ever eaten dog food?
that's gross
69) Can you handle the truth?
70) Do you like green eggs and ham??
no, but we had them in the 1st grade on Dr. Seuss's birthday or something, I didn't eat it though
71) Any cool scars?
only where Amanda dug her nails into me, but you can't notice them...