TV Talk

Jan 16, 2012 16:27

So there was a lot of great TV last week. But I think the one that topped my list was actually Nikita. Which is surprising considering how much I disliked the idea of a remake, back when. Not only were Nikita and Alex back together again, with bonding and "sromance". Not only is Michael back in Nikita's life, and Birkhoff around being awesome. Not only is Sean on Nikita's side, for now and possibly for good. Not only all of that, but our little group of anti-Division rebels... may actually go back inside and rescue Division. *seal clap of joy* OMG. How awesome is that!!!!!

Next we have Fringe, which is simply continuing with its pattern of awesomeness this season. Although if they kill off Olivia this season, I will be extremely upset. I don't find alt!Olivia (I cannot at all keep track of red/blue/amber/whatever 'verses, so I can only go with alt)adequate compensation, although I've come to like her well enough. But I liked Lincoln and Peter on a mission, liked Lincoln and alt!Lincoln dealing with each other, liked Elizabeth being awesome, and liked Walternate being potentially somewhat different than the original Walternate? I really can't tell whether he was actually being truthful with Peter or not. However, I would very much like Walternate to help Peter figure out that his original set of universes (set of universes? Good grief.) actually no longer exist and that his going into the machine caused the current set. Which is what I think happened, but I would be very unsurprised to be proven very wrong. Anyway, I am, as always, very much looking forward to what they come up with next.

I am thoroughly enjoying The Vampire Diaries. So much so that I've been doing a bit of a rewatch this weekend. I'm really enjoying what's happening this season.

I was going to go on, but my chattiness dissipated.

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thevampirediaries, nikita, fringe

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