Oh, LiveJournal, what now?

Dec 15, 2011 05:12

So in the most recent news post they mention that comments pages are being redesigned. Uh-oh. And it looks like one of those new "features" is the removal of subject lines from comments. See also this confirmation tweet.

Is it just me, or is that going to doom things like kink memes and comment fics, among other things? What are you thinking, LJ?

ETA: In looking further, it looks like it's just S1 styles? On the page with the screencap of the new comment page, which is mostly in Russian, there is a single paragraph in English: A note to users of RP, Meme and other communities, where subject line is crucial for operation: for the moment we are developing only standard commenting representation, well know in LiveJournal as S1 styles, but we will keep subject lines, both in terms of form and representation, in advanced - S2 - styles, and provide an ability to keep it forever for certain communities, as well as, by request, will develop an extra functionality for such communities thru OpensSocial applications going public next year.

That's better, I guess, but I still don't understand the purpose of removing the subject line at all.

This entry was originally posted at http://beck-liz.dreamwidth.org/121980.html. You may comment there using OpenID, or you may comment here.
have commented there.


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