So. I think out of all the new shows starting this season, thus far my favorite is Pan Am. Part of it is the fact that I was with them on the romance of air travel. Back in the days before they squeezed us in like sardines and before we had to deal with security theater, that is. But also, it's just very appealing. There are four women protagonists, and they pass the Bechdel test. And of course it doesn't hurt that everything's all slick and nostalgic. Very good pilot.
I surprised myself by watching and then liking Revenge. It's not the kind of show I would have picked to watched based on the blurb about it, but the promos I saw intrigued me. There's something about it that just pings with me and makes me want to see more. Part of me just wants to find out what happened. And again, lots of strong women.
I am also watching Ringer and The Secret Circle. Have not yet watched tonight's episode of the former. I am not certain of either. I'm sticking with the former for now because of a fondness for Sarah Michelle Gellar and for some of the other actors. If last week's episode had been as bad as the pilot I probably would have dropped it then, but fortunately it did improve some. The Secret Circle... eh. I like it all right, I guess. I'm sticking with it for now because it's produced by the same folks who do The Vampire Diaries, and I nearly dropped TVD after the 3rd episode. Well, I did drop it, but then I kept hearing how good it was in the following weeks and finally mainlined episodes 4-6 and was hooked. So I figure I should at least give The Secret Circle until episode 6; maybe it'll surprise me.
Watched Terra Nova last night. I'm planning on continuing to watch, but not because I thought it was well done. It was not. But I found myself enjoying the characters despite myself, so I'm going to continue to give it a chance.
Was going to talk about returning shows, too, but not tonight. My eyes are drooping.
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