Funnily enough, with LJ down I'm posting more now than I normally do. Speaking of which, has anyone noticed a pattern whereby it's "up" (for various values of up) in the evenings US Eastern Standard Time and down in the mornings? Or is that just me?
If any lost LJ-ers happen to be wandering around without a Dreamwidth account and want one, check under the cut.
Please note that I will be gone at work all day and unable to access DW, so I won't be able to mark which ones have been taken.
WBDKMW8Z3TDSMAAAGNMTS5YJ73RZKKZKVAAARDXUTWA2K95QKWZD7AAARDXV2RZ2HKJT8FZHHAAARDXWT6GWQRTP3QYCRAAARDXXVSPAN7SZCHAR7AAARDXYXD8GKGJ6BPT3WAAASNL8JBACEP48YBTN9AAASNL9A5RQR376GKRVSAAASNMAF68VCMFEWT9A5AAASNMB Thanks to LJ being down, I am probably going to be looking for more people to follow here on DW, so if I've suddenly circled/friended/whatever-we're-calling-it-over-hered you, that's why.
Oh! And I've had a lot of comments about my awesome icon over the last few days. The awesome and lovely
nimori made it lo, these many years ago. I think it was around 2005 or so, during another major LJ outage.
ETA: LJ seems to be back, so am now crossposting.
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have commented there.