
Jun 22, 2004 10:38

so i havent updated in a while! Graduation was soooo-> AMAZING well i mean project graduation haha i faught alana in a joust and we boxed and it was so much fun. i went over and just started to hackysack with like JT and Tom sabastion and people like that who i dont really know and i did a chest stall and they were so impressed hehe it made me feel cool lol HAHA yeah i ended up winning $50 to acme for my salsa con queso party which i need to organize haha and $500 for a computer!!! which was amazing! it was a great time and im really glad they having a project graduation at our school i hung out with everyone, i hung out wiht my best freinds! alana jess jen and liz and kate and lauren and i got to hang out with tober and soffer and other people too it was the best expierience ever!

Well it still hastn really sunk in that we have graduation and that school is over. i dont remmeber what ive been doing since school was over hahaha i had project graduation then i babysat then... i had orientation and i think thats it. so yeah its been pretty boreing but fun. Orientation was cool, i got my classes and i met some kids too. i got friendly with this girl Emma who was recruted for swimming and she was so awsome i think we will end up being friends lol omg but the best part was that there were some hot guys! so my college experience will not be a complete dud lol and OMG they actually talked to me!! HAHA me! lol yeah so that got me pretty psychedyeah so thats about that.

I have to go out today and turn in my applications for jobs cause my parents are nagging and yelling at me about how my wothless and are taking my money away saying that they need it to pay for college if im not gunna get a job so that sucks but if we need the fucking money why the hell dont you get a job mom?! dont blame things one mE! you quit 17 years ago because of what the babysitter did to me, you dont have to worry about them doin ghtat im 18 and you have another daughter who is 23 get a freekin job if it means that much! UCH! ok sorry just had to vent on that one

Other than my parents getting on my nurves things have been a lot better ive been spending alot of time alone and ya know what i dont mind it all that much. i usta feel that i had to surround myself with friends and different types of friends so that i would always feel wanted i knew that at least one person out of all my friends would wanna hang out with me but now ive realized that i can stay at home and sleep and be just as content. im always afraid that by not going out im missing somehting. ok well that really didnt turn out the way i wanted it to so yeah im gunna stop ill prob edit later.. maybe not cause im too lazy haha

yeah so overall its been a cool summer but i must get a job! well off to eat and drop off applicaitons :)
<3 Beck
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