...(3:00 in the morning on a school day...need i say more?)

Apr 02, 2004 02:56

Hey i know i havent written in a while which is ok cause i know no one really reads this anyway. Well i have officially been sick for like over a week now and it doesnt seem to be getting any better just when i thought it was...my throat decises to stick a knife in it and keep turning everytime i breath, yawn, or even worse if i dare to swallow...
well it is 2:15 in the morning and i cant sleep becuase of my throat so i decided to do the one thing that EvERYONE LOVEs to do!! SURVEYS!!!
ok here goes...(taken from Lana and jen)

:x: name = Becca
:x: piercings = ears
:x: tattoos = nope
:x: height = 5'9"
:x: hair color =Red
:x: length = eh..a little below the sholders
:x: siblings = 2 sisters

:x: movie you rented = What a girl Wants
:x: movie you bought = i have no idea
:x: song you listened to = "Dont wanna think about you" Simple Plan
:x: song that was stuck in your head = now the Simple Plan song..thanks!
:x: cd you bought = tough one...a while ago the Taking back Sunday
:x: cd you listened to = John Mayor
:x: person you've called = Aaron
:x: person that's called you = Aaron
:x: tv show you've watched = ER
:x: person you were thinking of = my mommy i just scared the shit out of her when i went into her room to wake her up cause i dont feel well
:x: you have a bf or gf = nope
:x: you have a crush on someone = uh...thats a little complicated
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = yeah doesnt everyone?
:x: you think about suicide = yes i have
:x: you believe in online dating= no thats freaky
:x: others find you attractive = i dunno ask them
:x: you want more piercings = yes!
:x: you do drugs = nope
:x: you smoke = nope
:x: you like cleaning = if im in the mood and when i start...wow its bad!
:x: you like roller coasters = LOVE THEM
:x: you write in cursive or print = print
:x: you carry a donor card = yup

:x: long distance relationships = i dont know
:x: using someone = against
:x: suicide = ...against but...
:x: killing people = against...well...yes against
:x: teenage smoking = against
:x: premarital sex = whatever you decide is right for you, someone cant dictate what you should do about your own body
:x: driving drunk = AGAINST
:x: soap operas = haha thats not something to be for or agianst

:x: food = Sweet Potato Pudding
:x: song = "Tiny Dancer" Elton John
:x: thing to do = when i have a lot of energy jump around and dance with my sister or friends to crazy songs HAHA
:x: thing to talk about = ...sex or something deep haha
:x: sports = Ice Hockey and football!
:x: drinks = Strawberry Daquari, Pina Colada or a Bahama Breeze :)
:x: clothes = ...dunno
:x: movies = hm...Finding Nemo or Monsters Inc
:x: band/singer = i dont really have one favorite but i realy like Somthing Corperate
:x: holiday = Porum Crazy costumes, my temple puts of a funny play and Humantoshins!!(spelling)
:x: cars = ...AH so many!! Fast ones..pimped out!
:x: new nerdy saying = uh dont really have one...yuppers?!

:x: ever cried over a girl = yes my sister or mom
:x: ever lied to someone = yes
:x: ever been in a fist fight = well i wouldnt really call it a fist fight...i hit a girl at camp once..and another time at camp i hit a girl over the head with a tennis racket HAHA (i was 8)
:x: ever been arrested = gladly NO

:x: of times I have been in love? = none
:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = none
:x: of hearts I have broken? = i dunno
:x: of girls I have kissed? = none
:x: of boys I have kissed? = uh... +-8 haha
:x: of girls I've slept with? = Ew...none
:x: of boys I've slept with? = nope
:x: of drugs taken illegally? = uh not sure...ive done legal drugs at other times or of more than normal doses
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = 2 or 3
:x: of people I consider my enemies? = none really
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = a bunch...
:x: of scars on my body? = a lot

:x: disney movie = Finding Nemo or Mosters Inc
:x: scent = ...dunno
:x: word = ...
:x: nickname =beck
:x: guy name= ill come up with them when i have to
:x: girl name = " "
:x: eye color = blue
:x: flower = those purple ones that you only see in the morning in the summer on open fields
:x: piercing = that little thing that sticks out on your ear like right in the middle sorta on your face-ish
:x: actor = johnny Depp...and a bunch of others
:x: actress = dont really know

:x: pretty = eh
:x: funny = yeah i guess
:x: hot = haha no
:x: friendly = yes
:x: amusing = yeah sure
:x: ugly = most of the time
:x: loveable = i hope so
:x: pessimistic = rarely
:x: optimistic = sometimes
:x: caring = yup
:x: sweet = yup
:x: dorky= who isnt?!

x Spell your first name back wards x: acceb
x The story behind your user name x: um my nickname is beckers and my number is 33
x Are you straight? x: yes
x 4 words that sum you up x: friendly, caring, funny, and trustworthy

x Wallet x: uh black leather PRADA
x Hairbrush x: electric blue with black brissles
x Toothbrush x: green and ivory CREST whitening Spin brush
x Jewelry worn daily x: my star of David necklace and my tiny hoop earings..what i never take off
x Pillow cover x: one is flowers to match my sheets and comfeter and the other is poohbear and tigger
x Blanket x: like baby blanket thinkgs? i have 3 and they are VERY worn and holy
x Coffee cup x: whinney the pooh characters
x Sunglasses x: baby-blue OKLEYs
x Underwear x: uh i have all different kinds
x Shoes x: SNEAKERS as you all know too well
x Handbag x: dont usually carry one :)
x Favorite top x: my army print (done with flowers) LUCKY top with like tiny beads around the neckline
x CD in stereo right now x: John MAyor, and a Mix Aaron made me
x What you are wearing now x: uh my Pjs, a tanktop and kapri boxer pants
x Hair x: red...curly...
x Make up x: none

WHO or WHAT (was/is/are) -
x In my mouth x: water
x In my head x:. how crapy i feel
x Wishing x:i could get better
After this x:will try to go to sleep
x Talking to x: no one
x Eating x: nothing
x If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?: no one
x Person you wish you could see right now x: my grandpa
x Is next to you x:my Nalgene, keys, speakers, CDs lots of stuff i havent cleaned my room in a while
x Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month x: Spring Break
x Something that you are deathly afraid of? x: dieing
x Do you like candles x: yes
x Do you like hot wax x: Love it...i love the feeling when you put it on your fingertips
x Do you like incense x:not really im allergic to most of it
x Do you like the taste of blood x:no
x Do you believe in love x:yeah
x Do you believe in soul mates x: um..ive never really thought about it but maybe
x Do you believe in love at first sight x: not really i beleave in Lust at first sight but i think true love is deaper than that
x Do you believe in forgiveness x:yes to a point
x Do you believe in God x: yes
x What do you want done with your body when you die x: uh dunno ill be dead
x Who is your worst enemy? x: dont really have one
x If you could have any animal for a pet x: White Tiger!
x What is the latest you've ever stayed up x: all night
x Ever been to Belgium? x: no but ive had Belgium Waffles does that count?!?
x Can you eat with chopsticks x yes
x What's your favorite coin? x: uh dunno
x What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to? x: i have no idea
x What are some of your favorite pig out foods? Cadburry Mini Eggs, Oreos, Tostitoes and SALSA CON QUESo but only on occasion cause if i eat it too much it wont be the same
x whats something that you wish people would understand? x: to get along with each other and not fight about petty things or cultures or religions
x What's something you wish you could understand better? x: War
x Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time? x: Susan Paul and Ju-Ju but i will see them on Monday at Sader
x Something you want to make happen for tomorrow? x: me to get better and to go out and get a prom dress

Aight now that i have tortured you with a survey i am going to go to sleep :) night everyone
<3 Beck
PS i really hope i dont go to school tomorrow
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