[edit 2] This is my second edit too this entry.. lol.. for not updating im doing alot of editing aren't I? Well.. i changed everything to a valentine's day feel because yea it's getting close hehe.. and i made a new layout on my website to match the LJ Icon, so yea check it out at
http://beckorz.net let me kno wut u think of the new icon.. isnt the monkey cute??????? [/edit2]
[edit] Im back again and updating this SAME entry again.. um lets see.. what was i going to say? Oh yes Operation Mom's b-day party is going to be ok!! Im so nervious because about 50 people are coming anc i have to host this thing! I still need to get everything and decorations and food and and AHH THE CAKE! [/edit]
Hey guys!
Im updating again Woot Woot. What's been going on lately? Ah yes the 'snow' day yesturday with nothing but rain. It actually pisses my off because the WE are the ones who have to make these days up in the summer, not the county so they can call off school anytime for there poor judgment but we in the end gotta pay for it. I'd rather not have like 2 weeks of summer and have like a ton of bs snow days. Last year it felt like summer was so short-- because of the county's stupid judgement. Im not complaning because i WANT to go to school.. because I honestly cannot stand school but, when summer comes, im not trying to stay in because stupid people called school off for a rainy day. Urgh Piss's me off.
Hmm anything elsE? Oh yes.. I got an A! wo0t wo0t! On my spanish exam.. i got a 98% I was so nervious too about the speaking part..but it turned out ok i guess. It seemed pretty easy to me.
Well.. bleh im bored.. im gunna go try to play DDR for a little while pe@ce <3