I don’t believe in writer’s block. But even I can’t deny that my writey thing? She is broked.
So I’m going to kick her arse into gear with some drabble requests. From you guys. Request what you want. No holds barred. Any pairing, any rating, anything. I’m trying to extend myself here.
Fandoms I’m happy to write in include:
Prison Break (Duh)
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Lee/Kara - breathless, need you now or I'm going to die sex, somewhere they might get caught, but can't help themselves. :D
Marcus/Katie - lockerroom, he sneaks in and watches her in the showers, she catches him. I love that one you did where Krum and Marcus played on the same team as Katie - that verse please :D
Ahh, I hate Dee, I'd love to see you expand this and have her find them :P Or... the gossip just get back to her and she freak out, all purple eyeshadow and pissy looks.
Ok, I'll be content - for now :D :D
Hey, are you only on msn or do you do yahoo or aim at all?
AIM baby: becisvolatile
I'm terribly new on it. I know like... practically no one.
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