Title: Words
Authors: volatile/
becisvolatileRating: Pg-13
Characters: Sara/Linc, bit of Michael.
Genre: Drabble
Summary: How do you play a game reliant on words, when words cannot be relied upon?
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Especially not anything related to Prison Break.
Notes: Bad things happen when I read my semantics textbooks and eat too much chocolate ice
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Comments 10
He doesn’t speak with his mouth and what he does with his mouth is not open for interpretation.
Love this line. So very, very, Lincoln.
Elissa is going to freak out over this thing.
I have noticed that Elissa spazzes over Sara/Linc. Which is fine, I like it when she spazzes.
And nice of you to pick that line, it popped into my head and I actually wrote the etire thing around it. I gues it was a strong line.
I love, love, loved it! And I love, love, love you for writing Lincoln/Sara because, up until now, I've had two write it myself to get my fix!
What he says he means, and what he doesn’t say he does
Love this!
I love it when you do that.
Y'know, I would totally be inspired to write more Linc/Sara if I had some to read. Yeah, that was my Subtle Hint™.
Glad to have pleased though.
Yeah, yeah. I'm working on a particularly stubborn Lincoln one-sided angst and then I've got an LJ/Veronica to finish, so...after that, Lincoln/Sara is next on my list. ;)
On a totally random note Michael/Sara/Linc is my OTT (One True Threesome)...
But I am most pleased that you decided to go back and comment!
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