Title: Reparation
becisvolatilePart: 8/?
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Lee/Kara, Bill, Roslin, Helo, Sharon, Cottle, Anders, Dee, Leoben, Racetrack, Seelix.
Word Count: 4700+
Category: Novella
Genre: Romance, Angst, Action with Romance, PWP, Drama
Archiving: The Fallout Shelter, Apollo/Starbuck Fan Fic, Beyond Insane all others please ask
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"Oh… so you want me to cut Dee getting her then, huh?" I take it all back! Please do not cut! *on knees, begging* God, make it painful! Pretty pretty please!
Thank you for the timeframe! It sure helped. After re-reading from the beginning, turned out i got some "time" misunderstood, especially around Chapter 2 & 3. No biggie, but i was just thinking about how long she's been in the fleet and how long the cylons have been in the ship. And how much time is passing from the shooting.
Last question, how much time did the bathroom nuggets get in the brig? Are they back in the class or did they wash out or volutary leave, now that Kara is CAG (she's also Flight Instructor, Earth-finder, and Cylon Interrogator - when will she find time to sleep?)
Thanking you again for the story!
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