Title: Reparation
becisvolatilePart: 7/?
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Lee/Kara, Bill, Roslin, Helo, Sharon, Cottle, Anders, Dee, Leoben, Racetrack, Seelix, Tigh.
Word Count: 5400+
Category: Novella
Genre: Romance, Angst, Action with Romance, PWP, Drama
Archiving: The Fallout Shelter, Apollo/Starbuck Fan Fic, Beyond Insane all others please ask
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He couldn’t forget that. Gods, he was pathetic. He was lower than low. He’d… He’d failed her - again.
Lee beating himself up is hard to read. But if he didn’t love her so much, he wouldn’t be so completely torn apart, so I guess that I love how he’s feeling things so deeply. It’s also showing how he’s accepting Kara as really, truly being human, which is so important. If he still had any doubts, then what happened in the ready room (right back to the day she exploded) wouldn’t be impacting him so much. He wouldn’t feel things so acutely - like his soul being torn from his chest.
Had last night caught up with her? Had one of those men she’d been with revisited her? Lee’s pulse kicked up.
I think I have a serious weakness for protective Lee. I know Kara doesn’t really need protecting, but it turns me to mush when he tries.
Without actually speaking he asked, “Are you okay?”
She stumbled over her own feet to get away from him.
I don’t know why, but this little moment between them makes me ache *tries to magically squish pilots back together*
During the interlude with Kacey I was hoping Kara would finally get her much needed hug, but I guess Lee hovering close by set Kara too on edge to realise.
I also really enjoy the way you had Lee gathering clues about Kara’s time on New Caprica. We never got see anyone’s reaction in canon (Lee, Bill, Sam or Helo) just an occasional vague reference once or twice. So Lee piecing the situation together from Julia and Doral had me bouncy and happy. I also like Lee’s sneaky way to pump Doral for info. He blatantly lied to get what he wanted!
I have much love for the Kara/Tigh scene. Two miserable kindred spirits, despite Tigh being a Cylon. No false flattery between them, but they do respect each other.
He sat back down beside her and let his eye drift up to the picture on the wall, “You going to leave that up?”
“I can’t seem to find a good enough reason to take it down.”
“You might not want to let others hear you say that.”
*cries* I felt achy again during this section too!
Coffee. That was what she missed the most. And sex with Lee. And Lee’s room. Maybe even Lee, but mostly the sex. But at that precise moment it was the loss of coffee she was feeling most acutely. And aspirin.
Gawd! You just had to remind me why Lee is irrevocably tainted.
But I loved how you wrote a completely realistic description of how self important Dualla thinks she is and how she spies on people. I’d list them all but too much Dee gives me hives.
So often he’d turned a blind eye to their antics and dealings. They fought like pilot and CAG, like friends betrayed. But they also fought like lovers and that wasn’t something Bill thought he could bear. Not because of Zak. But to see his children be together and then tear each other apart? He could live to see the end of the colonies, but he would not tolerate just watching Lee and Kara demonstrate time and again just how deeply incapable they were of carrying on an adult relationship.
I’m crushing on the growth and awareness of Papadama! For a man who claims to be aware of everything that happens on his ship, his blindness to Lee’s feelings for Kara have been inexcusable. New Caprica was the pinnacle of stupidity. Lee practically passed out while simultaneously having a heart attack! So I much prefer your version where Bill had noticed, just simply chose to ignore for self preservation.
Lee beating himself up is hard to read.
My biggest concern here was that I hadn’t justified it. I mean… we never see go to these outward displays of angst and responsibility. Not really. Not other than his whole suicidal thing. It took me a lot to think I could reasonably move Lee to murder an unarmed man for Kara. Even if it was a Cylon. I’m not sure I succeeded, but I guess the justification and lee’s mind space on the whole thing comes later.
I think I have a serious weakness for protective Lee.
Unh huh.
During the interlude with Kacey I was hoping Kara would finally get her much needed hug, but I guess Lee hovering close by set Kara too on edge to realise.
You know, the hug is coming. I promise. It’s just… because I suck, I’m going to make her earn it. She has to really, really, need that hug. More than she already does.
Because, did I mention, I suck.
No false flattery between them, but they do respect each other.
Right form the mini I loved these two, and for some reason (political and social climate maybe) the peaks and troughs of their emotional wellbeing usually align. So they’re usually fantastically miserable company for one another.
Lee practically passed out while simultaneously having a heart attack!
That’s it exactly. How anyone could be blind to it is beyond me. I mean, even Sam offered them a moment.
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