Title: Reparation
becisvolatilePart: 4/?
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Lee/Kara, Bill, Roslin, Helo, Sharon, Cottle, Anders, Dee.
Word Count: 3076
Category: Novella
Genre: Romance, Angst, Action with Romance, PWP, Drama
Archiving: The Fallout Shelter, Apollo/Starbuck Fan Fic, Beyond Insane all others please ask
Warnings: Language, violence,
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I hadn’t considered that, but you’re right. It’s something I hadn’t thought about but now it makes me look at some of the later passages in a new light.
His head wants to care - but his heart doesn't.
But hasn’t it ALWAYS been like that? Lee has known all along that Kara is just trouble with a swagger, but that’s never stopped him. His heart, even his body is very clear on where he stands with Kara… but his head is more than happy to throw down angsty-regret and doubts.
This was a gratuity. And a huge one.
Yeah, and I think as latte pointed out, Kara’s big on the forgiving. She’ll take anything from him, and forgive him… but forgiving and wiping the slate clean are two different things and I think that’s going to come out. Kara can forgive, but she’s not forgetting and these things are going to amount to a huge weight for her.
And yeah, the next is ready to go. I’m just tweaking and agonizing over 5, 6 and 7. Because I can. I won’t stop poking them until they’re posted. I’m just that sort of person. I go through multiple stages in the beta-ing process *blows kisses to Ang* I’m driving her nuts.
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