Title: Reparation
becisvolatilePart: 3/?
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Lee/Kara, Bill, Roslin, Helo, Sharon, Cottle, Anders, Dee.
Word Count: 4258
Category: Novella
Genre: Romance, Angst, Action with Romance, Drama
Archiving: The Fallout Shelter, Apollo/Starbuck Fan Fic, Beyond Insane all others please ask
Warnings: Language, violence, sexual
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Was that Lee's way of having to avoid dealing with Dee?
I think so. Because even if Kara had said “Yeah, Dee fucked me up.” Lee would then have been all “OMG I can’t trust her she’s a Cylon!” it was almost a guarantee that he wouldn’t have to take Dee to task.
Does Lee think Dualla is incapable of such actions?
You know what? I think he does. I think he, them, me and other writers forget that Dee *can* fight. I mean - has the physical capacity and training. We’ve seen her spar with Lee. I don’t know about fleet training, but we can assume that like most other forces she’s got to have the rudimentary close-quarters-combat training. So she can… but would she? She wouldn’t be in an armed force if they weren’t satisfied that she could engage someone in a physically aggressive manner should the need arise. Possibly I’m looking too deep into this.
Dee is sparkly eye shadow and boobs. Kara is smelly Raider goop and ‘ceps. It’s not that they don’t *know* she’s capable. They just can’t see her starting something against Starbuck. Because that’s just fucking stupid.
But you know what? Just the fact that Kara's living and breathing would slide so far up Dee's butt and make her feel insecure that if nothing else happened to Dee, I wouldn't care.
You aren’t wrong… and this has to be eating at Dee monumentally. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of her.
…you NAILED the way Lee thinks. Nailed it.
And now I blush. Profusely. Shucks.
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