Pvt Mitchell part 13/?

Apr 19, 2013 16:28

part 13- Family day part 1

Elizabeth Beale, Chloe's mother, saw her daughter fidgeting around. She remembered years before when she brought Beca over. This girl must mean a hell of a lot for the confident Chloe to be so not Chloe. Her mother thought to herself

"Sweetie calm yourself once you see her it will be fine. I wish your father could have made it but you know how he is sometimes."

Chloe looks at her mother with a small smile. "I know, and I am glad I have you, Aubrey, Jesse and Mr. and Mrs. Posen. Its hard to believe how much Beca has changed since she came into our lives, I'm really proud of her mom and love her so much."

"I know you do and she feels the same for you. The Posens' never gave up on her, even Aubrey although she won't admit it had a big part in Beca's perspective on life."

Chloe had to laugh at that. "Yeah, Aubrey took awhile to warm up to Beca."

Following behind them were the Posen family with addition of Jesse. In the rearview mirror Keith Posen kept eyeing Jesse, so most of the time Jesse kept quiet. He was a little imitated by Aubrey's dad.
Your dad keeps staring at me, he isn't going to kill me for dating his daughter is he? Jesse texted Aubrey, who turned to Jesse with a glare.

Don't let him bother you that is just his way. Now stop being such a chicken and hold my hand. -Aubrey

Jesse knew she meant business, immediately taking Aubrey's hand in his, he couldn't believe how lucky he is to be with someone like Aubrey. Sure he was decent looking, very nice but in movies they usually don't get someone like Aubrey but this time around he got the girl.

"Aubrey dear does Beca know we will be there?" Charlotte Posen asked her daughter.

"Uh not exactly but I'm sure it will be fine."

"So Jesse what are your intentions with my daughter?" Keith Posen suddenly asked catching Jesse offguard.

"Dad! Please can't we wait til we get back to this afterall this isn't about who I am dating its about Beca."

Keith Posen knew Aubrey was right, but still he can't fathom either one of his girls to get hurt, even though he has known Chloe his life he did the same thing he is doing right now to Jesse.

"Chloe what are your intentions with my daughter?" Keith asked Aubrey's best friend after finding out Beca and Chloe are an item.

"Um sir I love her, I want to be with for as long as she will have me...sir."

"Beca is very lucky to have you, when she first came to us she was a mess but with you in time she opened up, so just for everyone's sake take good care of her. You really do have her heart ya know."

"I know I do and she has mine as well. Even though Beca is less than willing to admit but I know she loves you guys and you always took incentive to make sure she enjoys life."

"Of course she is the best thing besides Aubrey that has happened to our family."

"With how she grew up I'm sure she is very grateful for you too." Chloe says with a wide smile. "You know Mr. Posen if its okay if on graduation day I can spend the day with her, and on family day it can be all of us...if thats okay with you sir?" She asked nervously.

Keith smiled knowingly. "Of course Chloe its okay, I'm sure you guys have lots of catching up to do."
Chloe just smiles back, giving the older gentleman a hug. She left with a smile on her face, that wasn't so bad. She thought to herself.

Meanwhile Beca is waiting behind a curtain. She can hear the people, wondering where Chloe will be. One of the privates came up to her giving her a hug.

"You know Mitchell for whomever is putting that smile on your face must be someone special."

"She is pretty special, so um do you have anyone here for you?"

"I do, but sadly she couldn't make it. I'll see you at ait, yeah?"
Beca just nods her head getting into her position with the others.

Chloe turns to Aubrey grabbing her hand. "I can't wait to see her Bree."

Aubrey smiles at her best friend. "I can't wait to see her too."

"Oh my god you said something nice."

Aubrey just rolls her eyes. "yeah whatever don't make such a big deal." She says hiding the smile. "Besides I heard from my dad you and Beca will be spending alone time together tomorrow."

Chloe couldn't hide the blush. "Yeah, we are, but uh I have no idea what we will be doing."

"Mhmm sure you don't, I'm guessing alot of making out hell you guys haven't seen each other in 9 weeks. I'm pretty sure of this you guys practically had eye sex during rehearsals."

"Oh we did not, okay maybe I did." Chloe admits. "Have you seen her?"

"I don't think so she is basically my sister, blood or not, that would just be wrong."

Music started playing breaking the conversation between the two friends. Chloe looked over at her mom, than to Aubrey's parents to Jesse than back to the soldiers behind the curtain. Her heart started beating really fast as she caught a glimpse of Beca. From that point she was all about Beca, having no idea that they were all browsing the big area where everyone who meet and greet with the soliders.

I saw them all standing there, what a surprise for Chloe's mom to be here. What surprised me is seeing my adoptive parents who after so long called them mom and dad, Aubrey noticed me coming their way, but I just couldn't move. I just stared at Chloe as if she was the only one there, but apparently Mrs. Beale turned her daughter to face my direction. The look on her face was priceless, mouth agaped I made my way towards her.

"Sweetie might want to close that mouth of yours unless you plan on kissing that sweet girl of yours." Elizabeth winked at her daughter who just blushed, just like her mother they both have alot of confidence.

Beca hearing what Chloe's mother said spoke up to make it known she was right there. "You know she's right unless you plan on drooling to death." She smirked.

Chloe turns around immediately pulling her girlfriend into a hug. "You have no idea how much I have missed you, I'm really proud of you." than points to everyone behind her. "And so are they, you've done a good thing Beca Mitchell or
should I say pvt Mitchell now?!"

Beca just rolls her eyes. "So no kiss?"

Chloe leans in to kiss but it turns into more forgetting about the others, til finally Aubrey couldn't take anymore.

"Enough I do not want to see my best friend and sister practically making out, hello you got other people that would like to see you too." She says glaring at Beca, both girls turning red. They are so going to get it on tomorrow, oh my god I can't believe I just thought that. Aubrey thinks to herself.

Charlotte, Keith and Jesse make their presence known, giving Beca a hug of congrats. Once long ago Beca wouldn't feel comfortable with this type of affection, but Chloe not knowing what boundaries are changed all of that; It was a good thing.

"Hey sweetie, I hope its okay we all are here. We just wanted to see our babygirl because love and miss you."
Charlotte starts off than it was Keith's turn. "We are so proud of you what your doing is truly an honor especially for our country. You always gave yourself little credit but you proved yourself wrong, you did it Becs."

Now it was Jesse's turn. "So Becaww your part of the military how does it feel?"

"Oh you know actually it reminds me of being in the bellas," turns to Aubrey. "You would make an excellent drill sergeant." She says earning a smack on the arm from the blonde. "Kidding sorta, but its so good to see you so you finally got the nerve to ask my sister out huh?"

"Well actually..."

Aubrey cuts him. "Actually I asked him he was taking so long." She says turning to her boyfriend to let him know she wasn't mad or anything.

Everyone laughed at that even Jesse. It was time to head back to the base, but before Beca left to find her platoon she wanted a moment with Chloe.

"You know Chloe I must admit when you said you were bringing surprise guests I never thought it would be your mom, where's your dad?"

"Business meeting or something, but he did want me to tell you that he wished he could be here and that he is proud of you."

"I understand so I wanted to tell you something." Beca says nervously biting her lip.
Chloe looks up to her with curiousity. "Go ahead you know can tell me anything."

"I know, but I'm not good with this feeling stuff obviously from how I left. Which by the way I am really sorry but let just say this, okay?" Chloe nods her head to go on. "Since the day I came into the Posen family I never expected to like the family, I mean sure my biological parents weren't the greatest but I lost them so suddenly. I was angry for a long time, didn't care if I lived or died because eventually we all die at some point. When Aubrey brought you over one day I couldn't help but look at you. For god sakes you came into the bathroom while I was in the shower of course granted you didn't know I was in there but still that day made me oddly comfortable." She says leaning close to Chloe. "Although it would have been better if you were in it."

Chloe heard singing coming from out of nowhere. Aubrey was busy working on her schoolwork to notice that her friend went upstairs. As she walked closer to the voice, she opened the door to the bathroom. She met this person, Beca she believes her name is, it sounds like her who knew she could sing.
She totes needs to attend Barden and join the Bellas with Aubrey and myself. She would definately make us better. Chloe thought to herself.

Without thinking Chloe pulls the curtain away, revealing a very naked Beca. From a sudden cold chill, Beca turned around to see Chloe.

"Oh my god dude, what the hell are you doing?"

"Does Aubrey know you can sing?" Chloe asked watching Beca trying to cover herself. "You have a beautiful voice."

"I'm nude, get out!" She says horrified but slightly taken back from the compliment. "You can't just walk in on someone taking a shower."

Chloe walks closer leans in towards Beca's face. "I think we are going to be really fast friends."She says with a wink than begins to walk away only to turn back. "You really shouldn't be hiding you have a beautiful body." She says than walks out.

Beca just stood there mouth wide open. "What the hell just happened?" She asked outloud to nowhere returning back to her shower. Wait did Aubrey's friend just check me out? She thought.

"Yeah I do remember that day so what else are you going to say?"

"That I love you Chloe Beale that was the moment I started crushing on you real bad. You were right though we did become fast friends but somehow along the way I fell in love with you."

"Aww Beca you really do have a soft side." chloe chuckles than kisses Beca. "I love you too, see you at whatever you call it, the barracks."

They break apart heading towards the destination but not before looking back at one another thinking about the other.
I can't wait to see whats under that uniform, damn she looks so hot. I'm so lucky. Chloe thinks winking at Beca as she left.

She's gotten so beautiful from the last time I seen her, is that even possible? I'm gonna marry her one day....wait did I just say what I thought oh god! Beca thought to herself laughing watching Chloe as she left. Yeah that wouldn't be so bad being married to Chloe one day. She found herself in another thought running to meet up with her platoon.

to be continued

chloe beale, chloe, pitch perfect, beca mitchell, bechloe, beca

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