Aug 30, 2007 00:05
Oh wow!! Ok so this was the best day of my entire life! We had to get the bus at 2:30am to get to London to go queue for our wristbands and we had arranged to meet Kate there. But then they got delayed so we were there first and thankfully we all got in the queue in time and got bands! :D So then we waited for like aaages and then went insude and waited aaaages more!!
Then Zac, Vanessa, Lucas, Monique & Kelsey Girl came out and OMG! We were all screaming our asses off! (even Dean) and they walked like straight past us cos we were right on the front railing! WOW! Zac was like soooo close and OMG hes is SO hot in real life! Hes like a plastic model of perfectness! <3
So then we had to wait for so long to actually be able to go up and get stuff signed, which was good because I could just stand and drool over Zac&Lucas and me n Kate could squee over Zanessa moments....'OMG HE GAVE HER A PEN!!!' :P
Then it was out turn to meet them and we all looked like we were gunna be sick! Kel went first and told Lucas that she thought he was the best dancer ever and then I was following like 'YES!!' He is totally awesome in real life! Hes really short but sooooo cute and his accent is amazing!! <3 Lucas is totally the coolest HSMer! ; ) Then It was Vanessa time and wow, she looked sooooo pretty! I actually told her that I loved her! That was funny, she just said thanks so much! :P Lmao!
Then I met Zac! OMFG! He is just the sexiest male ever to be seen in the flesh by me! WOW! He just looks so perfect and unreal up close! But he was such a nice guy and smiled SO much and then I shook his hand! Woah! Efron contact! eeek!! Loving that! He has the best hands! YUM! And his PE is freakin hot too! ; )
Anyways so then we got all out stuff signed and went out and just watched them for a while! Then me and Hanch went round the corner and watched Zanessa get into a taxi on their own <3 How cute!
So today was basically the best day ever!! EVER! I got to meet my heroes Zac&Nessa and also me and Kate finally met! :D Not we have out matching standard black bracelets and also have the amazing day of meeting Zanessa&Lucas as our Jater meeting thing! :D
Wicked day!!! :D
PS : There were travel issues because some bints and fat idiots dont know how to drive!! Cannot stay in their own lanes and get distracted by slight sound! But who cares?! I touched ZAC!! <3