Mar 15, 2007 13:51
This is Becci speaking.
As i finally got back to my lovely laptop this week (thx mom and dad *grrrr*) I tried to make some icons and a header for our journal. Unfortunately I can't upload here at school so I'll have to do it later when I'm home. Which means next week as i constantly forget about stuff I wanted to do.
But really, I have to work on my (non existent) web presence. I have to type the two translations I did (on paper), fianlly upload the scans I have (and those of Sara's magazines. Oh, and I have to register on the boards as I can't continue to look over Sara's shoulder.
Why is layouting so much more fun than translations? I love playing with Adome Photoshop but bahhhhh, translations... Anyway, I'll do my best.
I have to go back to class, maybe see you later strangers (isn't it weird that you guys that added sara as a friend are now reading my weird stream of conciousness, including typos and grammar and evil spelling mistakes)
btw: Sara, we need tags. yes yes yes. For categories like translation, pictures, icons whatever. You're the one who knows about the coding stuff. Warum schreib ich das auf Englisch? *drop*
oh, and once I uploaded the icons we'll have different icons for sara and my humble me. cu