I honestly love you my flist

Oct 07, 2012 23:01

I mean for real.

You guys are fucking amazing people. I hoenstly don't know where I would be if I didn't have you guys. I have made some of the greatest friends of my life from here. Family.

Anyway I am digressing. One of my friends gifted me a paid account and a userpic package. OMFG.

You know who you are.

*hug tackles*

And then....

My friend Brandi recently found out her mom has a aneurysm. Luckily its in a really good spot for surgery. 98% chance of a full recovery, I mean how much better can you get? But here's the catch, she lives in North Carolina. I know right. So Brandi wants to go down there a few days after her surgery and stay for a couple of weeks. Only she has to take her three year old son, so she asked me if I would come with her and help her with the house and baby. Sure. I can do that. Her mom also has farm that she runs with her with her husband, Brandi's step dad. So they'll need help with that as well. I am all for it. They have cattle, horse, goats, sheep, all kinds of good stuff. I guess we'll have to heard cattle on horseback while we are there. I am excited as hell. I feel kinda bad I am so excited to do this. But this is the first time I have been out of state and on a road trip. Yes we are driving the 600 miles. With a 3yr old in the car. Yes, I may be a little nuts. But when she found out, i told he straight up, I got you, tell me what you need.

So her husband is staying at home with the oldest kids (two other boys 8&9) and we go either Sun. or Mon. I am kinda of worried to be gone so long, because I worry about my mom. My brother is douchetastic, this we know. But the cool thing is her mom has unlimited long distance on her house phone to call anywhere in the US, so plus. I can call in and check on her.

Other than that, not much else is going on. I am still working on my story, slowly but surely. I love it, it's hard, but I have a lot fun researching for it and creating my OC's. I also still working on my friends Original story with her. spazlady2002, she's writing it. I don't want to say too much, but it is pretty friggin boss. For multiple reasons.

Anyway I have to go to bed, I am tired. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!


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