Age: 24, her body stopped aging then.
How old does s/he appear? She is a very old soul and sometimes is confused for being in her late 30's or older.
Eye Color: Rainbow, they swirl every color.
Hair color: Fawn brown with blonde shimmers.
Distinguishable hair feature (bald, receding hairline, etc.): None.
Type of hair (coarse, fine, thick, etc?) Thick
Typical hairstyle: Shaved close to the head, about an inch lonng.
Height: 6'
Weight: 200
Type of body/build: Stocky, muscular
Nationality: Irish, Gaelic
Skin tone: Ivory, cream
Skin type: soft, except for the palms of her hands, covered in calluses.
Shape of face: oval
Scars? One scar from the left shoulder that goes diagonally across her chest to her hip.
Most predominant feature:Her almond shaped rainbow eyes
Resembles (famous or not): No one.
Accent? Smoky, husky, smooth Irish lilt.
Is s/he healthy?Yes
Physical disabilities: None
Physical abilities (what is character good at? sports, etc.): Expert in all hand to hand weapons, favorite is the sword. But she can use anyweapon.
Color: Green
Music: Any, very eclectic tastes.
Food: She likes homemade foods, earthy foods.
Literature: She reads most anything.
Quote:“Let me tell you story,” Lorne began smiling softly and patting her arm. “Once upon a time, when the world was in great chaos, the Gods created a being called the Soul Reader. A being so powerful that the Gods themselves feared her if she ever were to turn against them.” -Lorne
Expletive(s) (swears): Only in Gaelic.
Mode of transportation: 1969 Chevy El Camino
Smokes: Ciggarettes
What? Home rolled
How often? Very rarely
Drinks: water or tea
Worst bad habit? Smokes and swears like a pirate in Gaelic, cause no one ever knows what she is saying.
Quirks: Keeps to herself mostly
Hometown: From a small town in Ireland no longer around.
Type of childhood: Was the only child of a farmer, worked on the farm till she was chosen.
Most important childhood event that still affects him/her: She doesn't remember most of her childhood it was 100's of years ago.
Lower education: She never went to school when she was human, there wasn't one.
Higher education: She only has the smarts of the souls in side her of the previous soul readers. So basically she is extremely intelligent.
Booksmart or streetsmart? Both.
Religion and/or religious views and/or tendencies? Doesn't have one, and doesn't look down on others for theirs.
Job? Protecting the world.
First Kiss? Angel
Fist Sexual experience? Angel
Mother (name): Morgan
Relationship with her: Was doted on and protected by from her father.
Father (name): Shamus
Relationship with him: Not good, was disappointed he had a daughter and not a son.
Does character have child(ren)? No, she can't, she's immortal.
Where does character work? The world, based out of LA.
How many years? 1000's
Relationship with co-workers? The best, Spike, Xander and the AI gang are her BF's.
Like his/her job? Yes
Why or why not? Saving humans and the world is what she lives for.
Greatest fear: Loosing Angel
Worst thing that could happen to him/her? Angel dying
What single event would most throw character's life in complete turmoil? Anyone of her 'family' dying, especially Angel.
Character is most at ease when: At home with her partner Angel or when cooking for the gang.
Most ill at ease when: Angel is hurt or one of the gang is hurt.
Priorities: Keeping the world safe from Evil and taking care of her 'family'.
How s/he feels about self: She's feels pretty confident in herself.
Greatest source of strength in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not): Her ability to look past everyone's differences.
Character's soft spot: Angel
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes.
If not, how does character hide it? She doesn't.
Biggest vulnerability: She can be incapacitated by any weapon but can not die, she needs only moments to heal.
Which of the 7 deadly sins does character fight (or give into, willingly or not)?
Lust, for sure.
Which of the 7 virtues does your character have (or fight against)? Chastity, if it were up to her she would walk around the Hyperion naked all day and spend most of her time in bed with Angel.
Optimist or pessimist? Eternal Optimist, she always can find the good in everything.
Introvert or extrovert? Either, depends on the situation.
Drives and motivations? Keeping the world safe for everyone.
Talents (hidden or not)? Can speak any language demon or human.
Extremely skilled at: All weapons and cooking.
Extremely unskilled at: Shopping, she hates shopping.
Good characteristics: kind, loving, strong, optimistic
Character flaws: Sometimes forgets how strong the human race can be. Is aloof.
Mannerisms: Will hum to herself, likes to touch, casual.
Peculiarities: When she is uber pissed her eyes go coal black.
One word character would use to describe self: Old.
One paragraph description of how character would describe self:
Before the AI gang came along, I was ready to unlace my boots and go on and let the souls choose another body to inhabit. I had no purpose and couldn't get close to humans cause they would see I never aged and had 'weird' eyes. In knowing them my sense of purpose is renewed. I needed them as much as they needed me.
What does character consider best physical characteristic? Her large chest, draws humans and demons alike.
What does character consider worst physical characteristic? Her chest. She sometimes wishes her breasts were smaller.
Are these realistic assessments? Yes
How CHARACTER thinks others perceive him/her? Eccentric and quiet.
What four things would CHARACTER most like to change about self? (#1 most important, #2 second most important, etc.) 1, her ability to have children.
If change #1 was made, would character be as happy as s/he thinks?
If not, why not? Yes, she has always wanted children, even when she was still human. But the world's safety was more important.
How does character relate to others? Well if they give her the chance. She let's others come to her first. She knows she can be weird and hard to take.
How is s/he perceived by...
Strangers? They tend to be intimidated.
Friends? Love her strength and her witty sense of humor.
Wife/Husband/Lover? Angel is her soulmate so there is a need to protect and not let anything happen to her, but he knows she can take care of herself.
First impression character makes is: Why are her eyes swirly rainbows? Kind but aloof.
What happens to change this perception? Getting to know her you learn why she is the way she is.
How character react in a crisis (calm/panic/etc.)? Calm, always calm.
How does character face problems? Head on.
Kinds of problems character usually runs into: How to kill certain races of demons with just a long sword.
How does character react to NEW problems? If she can she thinks about them and how best to solve them, if not she jumps in and hopes for the best possible end.
How does character react to change? Well, she has too. Her current body is 100 of years old, but she has all the memories and intelligence and capabilities of the souls living inside of her. She's seen it all.
Jewelry? Doesn't wear any except a ring, silver with trinity knots on it, given to her by Angel.
Drives a ... : 1969 Black Chevy El Camino
Where does character live? LA, in the Hyperion hotel with the AI Gang (Angel Investigations Gang)
Where does character want to live? Anywhere Angel is.
Spending habits (frugal, spendthrift, etc)? Frugal, only buys when she needs to.
What does s/he do too much of? Read.
Too little of? Sleep, she doesn't really need it.
Most prized possession: Why? Her sword, passed down from the first Soul Reader.
Play musical instrument?
Which one(s)? Any.
How did s/he learn? From the previous souls.
Does character like animals? Yes, her favorites are birds.
Any pets? Not yet.
Of Breena from my 'Soul Reader' Universe in the BTVS/Angel fandom. For a challenge at
tvrealmtvrealm Her stories are here:
Starts here in order: finishes here: Character's Full Name: Breena McMalley, Soul Reader.
Reason or meaning of name: Irish: High and Noble; Hill Gaelic: Fairyland
Reason for nickname: Only close friends call her this.
Birthdate: May 4
Astrological Sign: Taurus ( )