Kansas Senate Race

Nov 05, 2014 06:47

Joe Biden's latest "gaff" from Kansas. The Republican's biggest talking point on the Independent Senate candidate there was that he's "really" a Democrat. (Dems didn't run anyone.) Then, Joe Biden goes on the radio on election day to agree with the Republicans on that, and Republicans put it in their robocalls. Do we really believe Biden's that stupid? If Biden *really* thought that Greg Orman would join the Democratic caucus, why would he torpedo him on election day???

Independents exist, people. We exist.

(Despite the fact that the NY Times calls the votes for Orman also a "Democratic surge". There was no Democrat candidate! And you're not calling it a "democratic surge" which would be a thing of beauty if we could ever muster one in this country. But no, instead it's lies and voter suppression for the win.)

And now I'm remembering the introduction to "Epistemology of the Closet" and wondering if Eve Sedgwick has written anything on the two party system. From wikipedia: "Epistemology of the Closet is a book published in 1990 by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, who is considered one of the founders of queer studies. In Epistemology of the Closet, Sedgwick argues that standard binary oppositions limit freedom and understanding, especially in the context of sexuality."

Uch, I shouldn't be ranting this morning. I should just get up and go in to work...
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