(no subject)

Mar 30, 2007 09:36

we have now hit the 6th month mark of still living  in catawba ,honestly  didnt think we'ld be there this long  a couple months at the most   i have realized that we have ate out  a few times more than we should each  wk or month  i had  figured till bout christmas at the most but it is almost april   i know we would be out sooner  if i could work  ,but  there arent any jobs out there for  someone with no office or speciffic pc exp  or not having to deal with large numbers of peopleor some other issues .good news  i finally won the argument bout  me being able to join some where to do something bout my weight ,and   trying to find a better dr that does the  new weight loss thing  no way in hell am i going back to that insane idot hussain    you tell him there are foods that he tells you you have to eat and if you tell him  that you have major  trouble  with those foods  he dont give a damn  if you dont tolerate foods or  the oil that he tells you  ya have to use  that and the office  tells ya one thing and charges outthe ass     .......... g2g for now  and pay bills and get avon delivery

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