Jun 20, 2009 18:57

I'd like to point everyone in the direction of a Battlestar Redactica-compatible music video!

Order in the Sound by chaila43.

I think this is absolutely fantastic.

Even if you haven't seen Battlestar Redactica and just watch this as a commentary on Kara's destiny pre-Daybreak, I think it works fabulously, although obviously I'm overjoyed that it was vidded intentionally as something else.

It centres on Kara, her destiny, her hybridity, her uncertainty, her place in an entropic and decaying universe.

This vid gives me a wonderful sense of forboding even as it manages to highlight all of the aspects of social hybridity in the last few episodes that I loved. Even as it provides me with a massive sense of peace and rightness that it's all decaying and crumbling together and heading down toward this single moment in an Opera House that's been gone for thousands of years.

I suppose it makes me think of the way I felt watching that final shot of 4x10 on NukedEarth. They had nothing; everything had crumbled and fallen away. But also, there were no lies anymore. There was a kind of comfort in having stripped everything away; of being at the very furthest edge of history before it all collapses, and finding that peace?

Or, you know, something less pretentious that will make you go WATCH THIS VID. Cus, um, clearly you all should!

battlestar redactica, chaila43, vid rec, i'm not even gonna tag that other show!

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