So a while back I got convinced that I ought to sign up to Twitter as saultigh for a crazyawesome post-Revelations BSG
crack-rpg game. And I did, and it was mightily amusing, because who doesn't love pretending to be a drunken one-eyed robot in 144 characters or less? NO ONE WORTH KNOWING, I CAN TELL YOU.
So anyway, I still occasionally post stuff there. Like once every few days when I'm bored or feeling silly, and today I got one of those emails from twitter saying "so and so is following you," and I thought, you know, I've gotten quite a lot of those lately, perhaps I should check that little sidebar thing and see how many there are. There's like a hundred of the frakkers following me! (Not counting the BSG in-character folks). Which I know isn't very many at all in the grand scheme of things, but hell, it's more people than have ever expressed a spontaneous interest in stuff I have to say in-character as a parody of someone else who is fictional ever before. So, um, yeah. Go me for getting the name "saultigh" on twitter before anyone else, I guess?
I feel...oddly pressured to perform and be funny or something. And a bit exposed. o.O
However if you're interested in me pretending to be a seventy-something robotic drunkard with depth perception problems and a hot knocked-up robot girlfriend -
it's BYOB.