Hi all!
Just to let you know I'm still fine! And still happily distracting myself from my impending International Move, since I figure obsessing over it will only make me nervous and not change anything.
I've spent most of this week working on a bunch of video projects, which are now all either complete or at various stages of redrafting before release into the wild. Yup, these are the projects I was waiting to get started on when I asked for all those writing prompts, and then suddenly they rained on me. ;) But I'm not complaining, it was a good diversion for a very quiet week.
Tomorrow my friend
hmpf is coming to stay! For a week! So again, I'm not sure how much I'll be around here, but she's a total geek like me so I'm sure we'll end up scheduling Internet Breaks. ;) I thoroughly and selfishly intend to force her to watch S4 of BSG largely so I can make her watch all the cool vids I've made since this season started... *glee*
I figure it's fair though, since I'm going to try and help her with scary schoolwork stuff. At least it's schoolwork stuff that involves comics?
Obviously I still haven't started on those writing prompts since I went and jumped into vidding instead. I feel a bit guilty about that and may try to get to them after
hmpf leaves. On the other hand, I'm thinking of keeping them and using them as something to do once I'm in South Korea since I'll likely not have the internet for a while and writing can be marvelously distracting for me when I'm stressed. So a backup stash of prompts could be well-useful.
Other things I have done this week involve going to the museum and realising they still have the same exhibit on tectonic plates they did when I was 10 years old. It was kind of cool though, because I remember when it was new and how awesome I thought it was. Also they have a little counter that shows America moving away from the UK. I remember when they switched it on. It measures millionths of a millimeter. By now the whole thing has moved like...fifteen centimeters or something in the last fifteen years.
Also I have discovered the joys of Patapon on my PSP! I am the Almighty Beck! I lead the Patapon Nation to victory with the beating of my Magic Drum! PATA PATA PATA PON! They're so cute...
Finally, we went to see the world's most AWESOME movie. It was called Love Story 2050, and it was Bollywood's first science fiction film. Basically, it's a Bollywood romantic comedy for the first hour and a half, then after the intermission it magically becomes science fiction meets Hannah Montana. The villain has a crush velvet jacket and a collar HIGHER THAN HIS HEAD. Also, it features lyrics such as, "Lover boy, will you be my toy, I play with my toys and I shatter them."
Srsly. Awesome.
I also went to see Hancock. Which I expected to dislike, and walked out loving it nearly unreservedly (there was one scene I thought should have been cut). It's a beautiful movie and nothing like the trailer makes it out to be. I really don't understand why it's getting such negative reviews. I must have been watching a different film.
Oh, also, if there is ever a zombie apocalypse, I have decided I will be running for my local library.
Look at those spikes! How vicious is that? I would point out, I do not live in any kind of a rough area.
Vicious spikes from another angle.
Just in case you thought only one part of this library was that hardcore.
And again.
Srsly guys. I'm going to be hiding in this place. Maybe on its ROOF.