chaila43 has an awesome idea to do a Post Awesome Things month to counteract the dead air summer feeling around here right now, and I think it's great. Quite a few people are doing it, and I feel super bad for not replying to them all - I've been having a really busy/stressful week, to be honest, so please accept my apologies if you're reading this and I haven't replied. But I did spent this evening hiding from any and all responsibility by capping Wonder Woman pictures of Awesome Bits of the comics I recently read.
Honestly, these aren't the, um, what I consider the quintessential moments, really, because honestly most of those aren't easily capped because they're like whole SEQUENCES that BREAK MY HEART PRECIOUS and require like, context and stuff, but um, have a random collection of DianaCaps anyway!
She is very good at punching.
And practical about one should expect when engaging in tavern brawls in witchsquid hinterlands.
Sometimes she brings gorillas as back-up.
Actually I was originally just going to show the hilarious contextless gorilla-assisted top panel, but I forgot to clip it out and the rest of the page is actually pretty cool and says a fair amount about the character too. So have that also. But mostly, gorillas.
She will headbutt you.
She will also win. But winning might kind of suck.
I wouldn't.
I would.
She knows how to dress for an occasion.
This occasion requires an extraordinary amount of violence.
This occasion requires surrendering to the Hague in full diplomatic attire.
If I were going to war, I would wear this instead of a swimsuit, too.
She likes to hug people. Occasionally it is unsolicited
Occasionally it is a cunning ruse to discuss alien cuisine.
Usually it is full of love.
Sometimes there cannot be hugs.
She is super heroic!
And trained in ambidexterous dual axe technique!
And blind-fighting!
And is fully aware of how to properly address an enemy (a necessary corollary of dressing for an occasion)!
Being a practicing polytheistic superhuman in America can raise complex philsophical issues.
However, as a recent convert to the Hawaiian sky god, Diana promotes religious freedom.
In fact, the more gods with whom she is associated, the more she can defy in a dramatic manner. She has found Zeus is particularly useful for this.
When she defies Athena, Athena usually caves. Diana is a total Daddy's girl.
Oh Superman, I knew I loved you for a reason.
But mostly, Diana knows who she is:
And what's important: