cyborganize! I'm sure this would probably have come out better if it was less rushed, cus the idea is hilarious. ;) Also I went and used the live version I found of the song because I thought the delivery was funnier? Also I apologise for inappropriate use of John Cavil. At which point I should probably get on with the actual vidlet before I convince everyone to steer well clear of it!
ALSO OMGWTFBBQ, I THINK I'VE FINISHED. Unless someone else gives me another prompt in the 30 remaining hours of November. *flees*
Title: Clonie
Video: Battlestar Galactica [2003]
Audio: Clonie // Nellie McKay
Summary: Allow me to introduce my true love, Clonie.
Direct download available
here. 18 megs approx. RightClickSaveAs.
I will index and crosspost all vidlets at the end of November or when I've done all the prompts if I decide to keep going to finish them.