[BSG Vid] Songs of the Unforgiven: The Unforgiven Ones [Ellen/Cavil]

Mar 04, 2010 18:19

Songs of the Unforgiven is a cycle of five orphaned Battlestar Galactica vids. They are all short (between two and three minutes). They are all designed to stand alone as well as working as a series (and in couplets) so please, feel free to watch and leave feedback on either or both.

Songs of the Unforgiven marks the launch of VIDWAR: ROBOT APOCALYPSE. Can YOUR robots sing creepy lullabies to their disturbed offspring, Chaila? CAN THEY?! You better HOPE they can cus this is it: YOUR MOVE, KID.

Title: The Unforgiven Ones [Ellen/Cavil]
Video: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Audio: The Unforgiven Ones // Crash Test Dummies
Summary: Ellen sings a lullaby to her son about his siblings, his parents, and what they've done.
Editor's Notes: As always, my thanks to my heroic betas. I also very nearly credited this as Ellen&Cavil rather than the usual 'ship designation of Ellen/Cavil because it seemed less creepy and also because this is really a vid about their relationship in its entirety, it just happens to include creepy motherfrakking. But I figured...whatever, it is creepy and I should just get over myself and own it. Ellen/Cavil it is!

Direct download available here. 31 megs approx.

Cross-posted to vidding and galactica_vids

Other vids available here.

creepy robot lullabies, traditional cylon lullaby, vid, ellen/cavil, vidwar: robot apocalypse

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