Remember when I used this blog to like, be a fan in ways other than vidding? Today is not that day. (But honest, I'm trying, I even have TV shows I'd LIKE to write about weekly, I'm just too lazy.)
So, what is today? The day I spam you with useless Cinelerra video effects tutorials even though none of y'all use it. ;)
All of these are effects you can find tutorials for in other programs, but I couldn't see any video tutorials for Cinelerra for these particular effects and some of these are things you need to go about backwards or differently to get done in Cinelerra. So. On the offchance anyone ever wants them: TUTORIALZ!
Glow effect & Edge Detection effect (sorta).
Cus for some reason Cinelerra doesn't come with either as standard. Not that I think I've actually ever used either either. Either.
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Moving Split Screen Thingy Using Masks.
More about like...masks in general and a Thing What I Did With Them. But anyway, keyframe masks to make them move! It occasionally looks cool!
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I gave John Crichton a lightsaber. I'm awesome.
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Sin City/Colour Splash Effect.
That effect where you make everything grayscale and then keep a single colour. I have no idea what the proper name for it is...
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And now you all know I have an accent. Except the ones of you who were relieved to discover I didn't. ;)