VACATION! (And a fic rec, and a drabble...)

Sep 27, 2009 21:51

Folks, tomorrow morning I depart for a a crazy adventure my grandpa's house. I'll be on vacation for the next two weeks roaming the wilds of the north-eastern seaboard. I'm sure I'll beg, borrow or steal the occasional wireless connection, but I probably won't be around much until mid-October. Also I've been pretty busy this weekend and know I owe a bunch of you replies both here and on your LJs. Sorry guys!

I will miss you all, except those of you I'm actually going to SEE soon. :D

You guys over at twelvecolonies sorry I'm ditching out right before your epic final battle. Go teambasestar! THE ROBOT NATION SHALL BE VICTORIOUS!

Finally, I'll leave you with two stories, one very short and mine, one slightly longer and chaila43's.

chaila43 has written a really lovely piece of Ellison's post-finale life. I wanted to leave you proper feedback, but I wanted to reread it first, and I haven't had the time, I'm sorry; you'll have to make do with this rec instead.

What I will say is that I was and am taken with the way she weaves Ellison's religion throughout, powerful, underlining everything, but also accepting, not preachy, not expectant. The Ellison I see here is the Ellison I fell in love with. And the Sarah Ellison describes to us is the Sarah I see. Try it, you won't regret it -

The Evidence of Things Not Seen.

(Also, I love your vidderly rebellion against ratings.)

Finally, one of the twelvecolonies challenges was a bit of a drabble battle, so I figured I'd post mine here for posterity, since I ended up actually liking it quite a bit.

Maya is delighted. Maya is always delighted. Her daughter is beautiful. She hits every developmental milestone in the 95th percentile. Cottle tells her this, suspicious cigarette in the corner of his suspicious mouth. Maya is too delighted to notice.

You tell yourself, Isis will be Isis forever. Maya will never look at you and accuse you of treason against her heart.

(A lie.)

You look at the waste of your city; hungry children and rain-slicked machines. The child in the school-tent is your smallest sin.

(The truth.)

And...that's it folks.

VACAAAAAAAATION! I've decided to have a fabulous time and just assume when I get home all will be as I left it and no disasters will have occured. Because, dammit, I SHALL HAVE A FABULOUS TIME and might very well be going to M&M world!

drabble, adventures on the northeastern seaboard, vacation, chaila43, fic rec, agent ellison

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