Sep 18, 2005 07:09
ok- so I am going to update now. Good plan. I hate doing this because I don't think it is a big deal really and I hate it when people use events in their life to draw pity- so know this is not the intention here. I feel like when something happens, you deal with it and move on. Maybe its right, maybe its not but regardless that is how I do things usually. ok- so my grandfather died Saturday morning. It is sad but he was sick for a long time and really sick recently so it is almost a blessing for him. Anyway, I was praying last night and was thanking God for so many things- a safe trip back home, David, my family, being able to be at school and my grandfather's life. I got to thinking about his life and wondered if, in 83 years, he was satisfied. I don't want to be 83 and sick and think, "Man-I wish I'd done ______." or " I really regret not doing (or doing) _______". There is no way to go through life with no regrets (I hate word because I think you can go through life with no regrets but not mistakes- I guess regrets are conscious decisions and mistakes are just that- mistakes- like taking a wrong turn)There are always going to be things that you wish you'd done differently but I don't want that to outweigh the things I am proud of or enjoyed. OK- so saying all that- life is TOO short (even at 83 yrs.-that leaves me with 75% of my life to live and it is moving quickly)to be bickering about stupid crap. Stop getting offended so easily, laugh about stuff that may not be traditionally funny because chances are it is funnier than you think (My mom told a joke that was a bit off color but hysterical- I will include it) and get over yourself- if this applies to you like it does me then please don't take it too personally and if it doesn't then wait up- I'm about to join you.