Benefit 'reforms' *RANTAGE*

Jul 21, 2008 20:38

There are times when I despair of this country's government I really do. So we now have this excellent idea of how everyone claiming benefits does so because they have a choice about working, all aside from those classed as 'severely disabled' - and I note there is no quantifier for that.

As someone who has over the past year had no choice but to accept that my ability to function, never mind work has gone south I find it highly offensive not to mention detrimental to my mental health that I have to justify my illnesses every step of the bloody way. Supposedly all health problems can be overcome with 'training' in condition management, well good luck with that - all I learnt from the programme I went on was that I should 'ignore it and do more anyway'. Those of us stuck with progressive illnesses for which there is no opportunity of any support are supposed to do what precisely? Last week my appointment with my CPN was a case in point, as was the pathways to work interview. Why do people think asking me if I *want* to work therefore means I should be. Of course I want to. Am I able to? Not without major adjustments and even then I can forget being able to work more than one day and certainly won't be able to earn anywhere near what I do on benefits. Why is the government so obsessed with working full-time? I've been unable to do that *and* have any kind of a life for years now. I struggled on with work for ages. I do not take lightly the situation I am in. I attend appointments with GP and CPN and get comments about washing because I have B.O. owing to not being able to. Such a thing is a major problem in a workplace and indeed in my case has led to problems with my employer taking me to task over it, but it is something I am not able to do, even managing the hygiene I do involves at least one dislocation and that no matter how you look at it is not pleasant.

Why on earth the government would think that getting people who have been signed off work ill to scrub graffitti is a good idea God and only knows. That's really going to help someones self esteem that is.

I have no support medically. I have diagnosies that are on the whole ignored because drs don't understand them. I can't even get the bloody referrals I need. I'm really scared that I'll end up making myself even worse by  forcing myself to do more and more - part of the reason my functioning isn't so good anymore is because of doing exactly that - working but nothing else and that was only at 2 days a week. It's really hard to keep my functioning at the two days it is now - and that's just with doing things like shopping and attending medical appointments, rarely do I go anywhere else or do anything else. I've got to say I have found being on benefit far more stressful than not. I have no idea how on earth people can do this long term.

I know I am better off than others with the conditions I have. Certainly those who have had them as long as I have. Mainly that is due to me steadfastly doing my physio and other things, but I must admit since being on benefit I have done it less and over the past few weeks it's gotten even worse because I am struggling so much mentally. Myhand I'm lucky to still have. I can't walk without all kinds of contraptions in my shoes and the blackouts, well don't have to say about those do I? - I went to a conference for it last year. Over 50% of those attending were in wheelchairs. I didn't meet another person who lived independently like I do.

I guess I'm taking it all rather personally and feel under a great deal of pressure from it and from my wonderfully supportive family who are repeatedly questioning me about the validity of me being ill and don't I want to be a 'proper' person again instead of a scrounger (and that's just for starters to 'ease' me in).

I'm not saying there aren't people out there who are workshy or lying or whatever not to work and that there aren't GPs who backdown whatever the patient says for fear of reprisal (I know GPs who have done this out of fear) *but* how does assuming all claimants (and GPs) are like that help?

I seriously dopubt that made any sense. 3 hours sleep does not lend oneself to making sense, but I'm annoyed and wanted to rant meaninglessly for a bit.
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