NSLC and the rest of summer

Aug 10, 2009 19:43

So I totally haven't updated in a month because I was INSANELY busy at my internship and got virtually no sleep but whatever that's ok. I had an absolutely fantastic time. Being a staff member in NSLC was completely different than being a student, but in a good way. The first session was more difficult because I will sort of following the lead of the other staff and learning how to lead. Second session was fantastic. I LOVED the kids and got close to a few, had my own group for one of the activities, and depended much more on myself. I had an activity called Dyadic Encounter that I led both sessions, and they each went really well. The kids also loved it so that made me happy that one of their favorite activities was the one I was in charge of. And finally, one of the girls recently told me that I was her favorite TA, and so did a few others. That was really touching and made me really happy. I learned a shit ton about myself. Things I like as well as some stuff I'd like to work on and improve. Not gonna go into a ton of detail about that, but it's important and I registered it and that's good.
I'm finally home and have a little less than 4 weeks to just chill and relax until I go back to Trinity, which by the way, I'm absolutely PSYCHED for. I have enjoyed the summer being exceedingly long, but it's getting to the point where it's feeling almost too long and I"m ready to be back there. Sometime in the next few weeks I have to have another "college shopping day" where I replenish myself on things that I used, like toiletries and snacks and whatnot. And then I just want some things for fun, like new clothes because I didn't do that last year as well as maybe some new fun decorations for my dorm room. Which is a SINGLE and I'm pumped for that and setting up my own room! And all my friends are living around me in the same dorm so it's totally fine and I'm happy. 
Let's see, what else...until that fateful day that I return to college I have my road test on Thursday (!), Melissa is coming to visit for a few days later in the month, Adrienne and I are going to have many Avatar-watching parties and go out to dinner because she has her road test tomorrow and we're being positive and saying we'll both pass so we're gonna celebrate, and I'm hanging out with Christina next week. Other then that, not much to share. Things with Danny are better. I am basically over the whole thing and we are still friends, but I am still sort of internally taking my time because if I think about it too much it starts to hurt again. But at least I'm at the point where I can look back at my month in Florida with him and the entire time we were together and be happy instead of miserable. And we'll still see if anything happens in the future once he's in a more stable place, but if it were too, I'd have to take it very slowly and actually date him without being in a relationship first. I would not be ready to just jump back into something. And for now, if something happens it happens, if not then not. Either way though, I'm letting it come to me instead of chasing around because I'm sick of getting hurt. Sticking with the whole flirting freely thing for awhile though. But we'll see how things go once I get back to school, because obviously right now I don't exactly have a slew of men around me to see how I feel. = p
All for now. Hope ya'll are enjoying the rest of your summers. <3

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