Mar 21, 2005 14:18
Well, hello all...
I am guessing that it is Spring Break for most of you LJ junkies. I think my body internally recognizes this week as Spring Break because I do not want to do much of ANYTHING! I had a pretty relaxed weekend. Michael was following his Basketball Brackets all Friday night, so Lydia came over and we had high aspirations for the evening which included making our nails, hair and faces beautiful...Well, that plan was postponed a few HOURS by Lydia's Acrylic Nail removal ENDEAVOR. By the time she had removed her last pinky nail it was 12:30 or so and I had fallen asleep. Pitiful, I know.
by the way...Lydia...your nails look FABULOUS!! :)
Saturday...I slept in until Michael told me that my sister was on the phone. I talked to Noey for a few minutes and got sucked in to going shopping with her for "new work clothes." By the way, Matt, Noey, and the boys are moving to Tuscaloosa in May and Matt is going back to school. Noey started her new job in Tuscaloosa today and will be commuting from Birmingham to Tuscaloosa every morning until May. (keep her in your thoughts and prayers.)
ANYWAY!! We got Noey some cute work clothes, ran into Erin and Sarah O! at Kohl's(it was so good to see you guys!) and then I headed home. It turns out that Michael's old band was playing at some Frat Party at BSC so we went to that around 10:00. The music was good , but I now remember why I hate frat parties.. I had my fill by about 12:00. Again...Pitiful, I know.
Sunday, due to the fact that I had enough sense to go home before 4:00 we were able to wake up and make it to church on time. It was great and we decided we definately enjoy Sunday worship much more that Frat Parties....less cigar smoke, less strobing lights (depending on your church, of course), and much fresher air to breathe.
After church we drove down to Logan Martin lake and enjoyed a couple of hours of the pretty day, and spent some time with my Grandparents.
That was about the extent of my typical weekend. I hope you all had great ones! I am looking forward to everyone being on Spring Break because it gives me a chance to catch up with everyone while they are home for the week. Enjoy the beautiful day!!!