Dec 14, 2007 11:15
Juno isn't playing anywhere in northern New Jersey, which means I won't be able to see it till it's on dvd. That is, of course, unless I convince one of my friends in Israel to download it onto her laptop. Hmmm....
Right now I'm downloading a load of Christmas music. I've finally come to terms with the fact that I'm one of those Jews who'se jealous that everyone else gets to celebrate Christmas, except for her. It's a pretty bad thing to admit to, I know, but I can't help it. I just love the whole atmosphere of Christmas, the feeling of warmth and goodwill that permeates the air. And the Nutcracker. Nothing in the world beats the Nutcracker.
For example, yesterday was an awful day in terms of weather and general boredom. I ended up sitting in my aunt's office for five hours reading a horrible book (that someone on LJ recommended!) about drugs and emptiness, which really did not help the situation. My aunt finally suggested that we brave the weather to go shopping, but when we went outside it was hailing and the wind was so fierce that it caused the hail to slap the pavement and our faces. And it stung. BUT THEN.... the storm clouds let up, and my Dad and I went to the Nutcracker, and everything was good again. Case in point: the Nutcracker wins at life.