Jun 06, 2008 15:35
man alive am I exhausted. last night I was up until forever, engaged in an discussion about the beliefs of a certain branch of the black hebrew israelites. except I don't think that's the preferred terminology. and neither is african hebrew israelites, because they don't believe they're really african. so maybe just hebrew israelites, although that would be misleading and offensive to a lot of people. I definitely have a better understanding of where that whole belief system comes from now, and how it evolved.
after that, I had to boil rice and cut up some kimchi to take to my mom's pre-school class, where I was a guest speaker today talking about korea. facilitating a group of kids felt like slipping back into a comfortable pair of slippers...I guess it's only been two weeks, although it feels like longer.
I left my apartment in korea less than sparkling clean. I started the cleaning process, and had every intention of finishing it, but due to a few unforseen and, in retrospect, stupid turns of events, there was some trash left in the trash cans, some dust on the floor, two or three dishes left unwashed and, apparently, a light left on. my boss knew this when I left. when she came to the door to drive me to the airport (which caught me by surprise because I had no idea it was time yet), I told her there were things left undone and tried my best to rush through and do as much as I could, but she told me to leave it. not her fault, since it really was time to go. I take full responsibility. but she knew right then. and I sent her an email right after I got home apologizing and offering to send a cleaning fee. I haven't heard back from her, but apparently she's in grave deliberation over what to do, and is seeking counsel from other people. I owe her the money. I broke a term of the contract. it's that simple. I have no problem sending the money if she tells me the amount. no animosity at all. it's my responsibility. but instead, she is stewing about it, and so I'm stewing about it, and it's leaving a stain (pun intended) on the end of my time there. if I could just go back a couple weeks and smack myself upside the head, all would be well. maybe one day I will learn to not be a flake about anything involving cleaning and deadlines and money and everything remotely related to responsibility.
still, in the grand scheme of life I suppose it's a minor mistake. which is why I want to simply pay my retribution and forget it.
for now, I am taking a nap.