May 02, 2011 22:28
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings was a very good story. However there is so much cruelty in this story. When the man arrives the child starts to get better like he is the child’s guardian angle. The people just looked over this fact and locked the man up in a chicken coop to make more money. He was the only reason that their child was alive and they treated him like he was just an animal that had no feelings or heart. They used him to get enough money to get a big fancy house and move up in the city. With out the angle their life would be so much different. They would have lost their child and would have still been living in poverty. They owed the angle everything but they never realized this and treated him like he was nothing but a profit machine. They do take him into their household however he is never completely accepted in the home. When he tries to enter the house he is chased out and told to stay in the yard. He was treated like a circus animal by the villagers and his adopted family never stopped them. The villagers mocked and torture the poor man while his family stood by and did nothing to stop this horrible treatment of the poor man.