I recieved a 5 shelf bookcase.
I recieved 6 awesome journals.
I recieved The Wanting Seed by Anthony Burgess (which I plan on reading next).
I recieved a framed piece of fabric art from the thrift store.
I recieved a seasme street chalk board.
I recieved some sweaters and shirts from the thrift store.
I recieved The Road by Cormac McCarthy.
I recieved every single James Dean movie in a box set.
I recieved a pack of Camel lights (smoke up Johnny!)
I recieved the first two seasons of The Cosby Show and a bed.
I recieved a box of Resse's Pieces, and
I recieved 20 dollars and a chocolate bar from Uncle Curtis.
I got Alex a coat.
I got Caitlin some plain colored work shirts, polaroid film, and mittens.
I got Valerie a bicycle and a matching red scarf and beret.
I got Mom and Dad tickets to Cheech and Chong in January at The Ryman.
I got Dad this card game called Phase 10.
I got Sarah Brown a speed racer tshirt and a pair of thich mittens, and
I got Autumn Brown a hair straightner and a blow dryer.
And I guess I'd tell you about my holiday, but if any of you have ever hung out with your family then you should know how it went.
The only thing I didn't like about this Christmas was the lack of tradition. There was turkey and ham, yes, but still no one made anything else. It was like no one wanted to celebrate Christmas. I like how Christmas is pretty much Thanksgiving with presents and a tree. It wasn't like that this year, and it made me mad. I was also pretty grumpy because I was sick the whole time. I'd been taking Nyquil, with no sign of improvement. I'm pissed I wasted some of uncle Roger's Christmas money on that fucking stuff.