Sep 28, 2006 19:38

Summer is officially over and this is the time that we would be leaving Canada and heading South to China, then Australia then New Zealand, but (as usual !!!!) major immigration setbacks for tommys NZ visa have come up, and we aren't able to leave yet - and probably won't be able to leave for another 6 to 8 weeks.
SO until then, we have been settling for a little slice of paradise. For the last month we've been living in Nelson B.C - a gorgeous little mountain town in the Kootenays, surrounded by lakes. Yesterday we arrived in the town of Kelowna and are staying with family.

It has been an incredible 3 months of driving everyday and camping every night. While we were in Ontario we did some wicked stuff like heaps of hiking and backcountry camping.

Hiking in Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Thunder Bay, ON

We made it through the prairies - in the middle of summer with no a/c in the car - OUCH!

Me and tommy in the canola fields

We did alot of wicked stuff when we made it to Alberta. My brother even flew up from China to do a part of our ALberta road trip with us. He was here for the calgary stampede which was a great time, and he flew back home when we made it to Edmonton. He LOVED it!

Me and James at Peyto Lake, Jasper Alberta

Tommy and I kept driving up up up, and we made it to the Yukon. As soon as we crossed into the Yukon, we stopped seeing so many deer and instead, started seeing more and more bears everywhere!
We went up to Dawson City for the music festival - It's crazy up there. We were around for the MidNight sun - 24 hour daylight! imagine stumbling out of the bar at 2am and having to put on your shades.

After partying one night, at Dawson City - paradise!

Dawson City is so crazy, that there's even a drink of whiskey you can have, which has a real human toe in it


After Dawson City we decided to drive up to the NorthWest Territories. On the way, we passed over the Arctic Cirlce!

We saw a crap load of grizzlies up there too, eating grass and chilling out in the mountains. AWESOME!

After the Arctic we decided to head to Alaska.

Tok River, Alaska

Hiking Rendezvous Peak, Anchorage Alaska

Eating KING CRAB in Anchorage

Camping at Haines Junction, Alaska

Another grizzly bear on the side of the road

Mumma black bear with her cubs in Alaska

We explored the kenai Peninsula in Alaska for a few weeks until we had to head back down through interior BC to make it to a wedding in Vancouver. We loved the way were surrounded by monsterous mountains and glaciers the ENITRE time we were in Alaska. It was so beautiful.

Some awesome glaciers on the drive out of Alaska. Bear Glacier

The wedding in Vancouver

After Vancouver we headed to Nelson, where we stayed with our friend in his trailor for a month. It was in the mountains and backed right onto the lake - it truely was the closest I have ever come to paradise so far.

Me after hiking Pulpit Rock, overlooking the entire town of Nelson

Me Ike and Tommy on a hike

Hiking Idaho Peak


Tommy and Ike picking wild apples

The Sandon Trail Hike

Ainsworth Hotsprings

Back to Calgary for a night on tour with our good friends - the band BC/DC

WELL that's about it really - summarized of course! The last pics we took were in Nelson and in a week we're heading back to Vancouver for more looking around (gorgeous city) then over to the island then HOPEFULLY soon... HOME.

Hope these photos and stuff worked, coz I really don't know how to use a computor, so..... here goes!

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