Apr 14, 2009 12:48
My first LJ post is dated September 18, 2000 (wow). Technically, I didn't open my LJ account until December of that year. I had an online blog at Diaryland. I didn't like it much so I switched over here to LJ and transferred my posts from there to here.
Here's the first entry:
First day of school. It went alright. I think the classes will go well..Lots of work though....
Really deep, I know.
My real first LJ post: 12/29/2000
Today was one of those days that felt surreal. My best friend from high school is visiting this week, and we went out to the mall together; something we have not done since we were actaully IN high school..The whole simplicity of it all was great.
She had some stuff to return to the bath store. While she was doing that, I explored the store and found this green-apple scented shower gel..I totally believe that smell can be associated with memories, and this particular scent took me back to January 1992.. I was thirteen, and in 8th grade. There was a Safeway across the street from the school, and my friends and I would walk over after school let out , get some snacks, and go hang out on campus for awhile.
I would always get a pack of Jolly Ranchers, but I didn't like the green apple ones. So I would always give them to this boy in the group that, at the time, I thought I was in love with. He didn't like me back, which was the cause of pain and suffering beyond comprehension, but I digress.. As I was saying, I would always give him the apple ranchers, and I could always smell that apple scent on his breath..Today, when I was standing in the store, all those memories came flooding back..
Later on, we were at Tower records, and I happened to wander down the Queen aisle..As some of you may remember, 92 was when Wayne's World came out and Bohemian Rhapsody was really popular again.. They would play it at the school dances, and for a few brief minutes, everyone in the school would get together and sing along with it, a beautiful show of equality ..As soon as it was over, the cliques would retreat into their respective shadows of the gym/cafetorium/dance hall and resume their catty, nasty ways..
I of course had to buy the album...Listening to it now, I can't believe that I didn't get this album sooner..I still remember the first time I saw the "new" video for BR, I was sitting in my living room, wearing a green turtleneck and drinking a chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast..I'd just started watching MTV, and was in rapture of it all..looking back, I wish things could still be that simple. When I was that age, I was so miserable all the time -I'm still miserable most of the time now, but now I have actual responsibilities as well- it sucks growing up. Actually, there's a difference between being an adult and being a grownup. I can't avoid becoming an adult, but I will never ever be a grown up. There is a difference, trust me. Anyone who's read The Little Prince will understand.
writer's block,
first post,
lj birthday