Sex Icon MEME, and NCIS Drabble for AJ

Apr 19, 2006 02:17

Gacked from ariestess and dswdiane.
*Pets the pretty icon.* Can I keep it? *Bats eyelashes.*

This is my response to AJ's request for the Drabble MEME here. I know I still owe her the Methos fic she requested here, and I'm kicking around ideas for my Deryni/Real People crack fic. Morgan and Richenda aren't safe. Not safe at all. *vbeg*

Title: Tension
Word Count: 100 (Wow! I made it!!)
Characters: Abby, Dinozzo, McGee, Ziva
Requests: NCIS, Ziva, thunderstorm
Author's note: I wanted to do some Abby/Ziva for AJ. Some how I'm not sure giving Abby a mention counts, but...

Thunder rattled the walls and hail clicked off the windows, but neither was responsible for keeping Ziva David awake. No, it wasn't the weather. It wasn't the thought of Dinozzo and McGee doing surveillance work she could've been doing. There was one thing responsible for Ziva's pacing back and forth over the living room floor -- CAFF-POW! Or there was one person responsible for it -- Abby Sciuto. First, Abby had offered her "a little drink" and then she'd offered to help her relax. The drink hadn't been little, and what Abby had done to help had left her far from relaxed.

drabble, vampires, icon, ariestess, ncis, fanfic

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