Three MEMEs

Aug 18, 2005 02:17

All of them gacked from ariestess
(And my thanks to her for stirring a craving for some P:tL viewing.)

First MEME
One little compliment can make you feel amazing. So give me a compliment, anything in the entire world, even that my shoelaces are pretty. Put this in your journal. And once you get some comments, put that entry in a memory or tag and when you are feeling down, just go to that entry and that'll remind you how great you are.

Second MEME
Name a pairing (that I'm familiar with, in a fandom I'm familiar with) and I'll write one line of a story for it. Or two.

Third MEME
Ask me my opinion on any character from any fandom, and I will give it. If I don't know the fandom, I will say what I think I know based on fannish osmosis. (And no, I will not be counting LJ or other LJ users as a fandom.)

writing prompt, meme

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