Statistical Personality Quiz Results and Fandom Fusion Dream

Aug 10, 2020 21:43

I got the link to the quiz from orangerful. Like her, I did the "exhaustive 110 questions" version. Similar to her I'm sharing the results from fandoms a) I feel I know well enough to understand how I got matched with the character, and b) I actually like the match. I gathered together my own pictures for my college instead of using the same ones the quiz does. I felt it made it easier to see how I got matched with the characters. If you're interested in trying any version of the quiz, there are five different versions over there.

I'm pretty sure I'm more amused than I should be by how many of those characters I know have seriously dangerously lost their cool at some point. I can't think of Luna, Castle, or Ed doing it, but even Abed got it into his head at one point to try to cut Jeff's arm off. It's not just Willow or Bruce that have had really bad days.

I should never have mentioned how my starting a Star Wars Rebel re-watch was kind of like my starting my Avatar: The Last Airbender re-watch. It gave my subconscious the idea to do a Rebels/Avatar fusion dream. Kanan was the blind earthbender. Sabine was the scarred firebender. Hera was the waterbender. Seb was the guy with no bending ability. Ezra was the Avatar. The Ghost was the sky bison. Chopper was the winged lemur. The story, for the most part, was a straightforward Avatar story, but somehow Kanan not only had Deadpool level fourth wall ignoring powers but made definite use of both earthbending and the Force. Pain in the ass Jedi.

quiz, jedi knight, college, star wars, star wars rebels, dream, personality, a:tla

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