Four Flash Fanfics

Mar 19, 2020 22:28

My thanks to thisbluespirit who generously gave me not just the three prompts the Writing Meme called on her to do, but a fourth one for luck. Here are my four flash responses. I suspect if I'm not careful the first and fourth fics may grow into a larger fic exploring just how those two fandoms got crossed.

Prompt: Umbrella Sharing & Wishes
Fandoms: Castlevania/Shadowhunters
Characters: Sypha Belnades & Alec Lightwood
Word Count: 137
Sypha knew God hated her. She had stated it many times to many people. Even though Sypha knew God hated her, she'd never expected him to take the step of sending a Nephilim into her life. Alec was hardly thrilled about finding himself in the middle of the life of a Speaker in Eastern Europe in the 1400s. He might have been a Nephilim, but he was one born in the 21st century in New York City. It seemed to surprise both Speaker and Nephilim that the umbrella Alec had with him was enough to stop the luminescent blue goo spewed at them by the demon that seemed to wish them both dead. Not that they complained. They wished to survive the night and figure out how the Hell they got into this mess in the morning.

Prompt: Good Luck Charm & Tentacles
Fandoms: Castlevania/Avatar: The Last Airbender
Characters: Adrian Tepes & Toph
Word Count: 174
Fangs, claws and a sword capable of fighting on its own outside of his hands were not keeping Adrian from the unsettling feeling that there seemed to be steadily more tentacles in the room rather than less. Cut, bite and tear severed pieces of tentacle might fall to the ground, but more kept coming. How was it ever going to be stopped? No sooner had the question formed in his mind than he had a very loud very messy answer. The entirety of the... thing... was suddenly crushed between the walls that swiftly met in the space it had been filling. One problem was solved. The tentacled horror he'd been facing was no more. The next one would be figuring out how to get back out of the chamber. Toph might not have the eyesight to see the color of Adrian's hair or eyes or skin, and she might wonder about his having claws and fangs, but it hadn't been difficult to tell who needed saving. Toph had just become his good luck charm.

Prompt: Stars/Outer Space & Luck
Fandoms: Shadowhunters/Merlin
Characters: Alec Lightwood & Gwaine
Word Count: 148
Alec couldn't believe it. "You're a knight? Of The Round Table?" He asked in total disbelief. "Yeees," Gwaine said the word very slowly for the oddly dressed and tattooed young man who seemed to be having trouble with both the concept of his being a knight and one from the Round Table. He wasn't even sure why those were the things the kid was focused on. They seemed to be stuck in a castle floating among the stars. Gwaine was having a harder time accepting that than the young man's assertion of being something called a Nephilim that fought demons with seraph blades. He'd seen plenty of magic in Camelot, even if Uther had tried very hard to purge magic from the kingdom, and Camelot was hardly the only kingdom he'd ever seen. The kid was magic. The castle was magic. It was just his luck he wasn't.

Prompt: Small Talk & Possession/Mind Control
Fandoms: Castlevania/Shadowhunters
Characters: Adrian Tepes & Magnus Bane
Word Count: 154
"What do you think? The blue brocade or the green?" Magnus asked for what Adrian felt was the 6th or 8th time that evening. "What does it matter?" He grumbled in response. It wasn't as if they planned to hang about the place making small talk. They had a single simple objective. They could simply go in, accomplish it, and get out. There was no need to give so much thought to how to dress beforehand. Magnus tutted at the dhampir that had somehow fallen into his life, "We must look entirely as if we belong there. The demon at the party is possessing someone who will be wearing the height of fashion. It would be rude of us to dress quite that well, but we would be thoroughly out of place if we didn't even attempt to get close." Adrian sighed heavily afraid that as much as he hated it Magnus was right.

castlevania, merlin, meme, a:tla, shadowhunters, fanfic

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