The Reminder: I started reading comic books from DC and Marvel in 1983, which would be when I was eight. I continued to read books from Marvel until 2001, which would be when I was twenty-six. Not a full twenty years, but close enough I can call it "nearly twenty years" if I want. I quit reading books from either publishing house "cold turkey" in 2001. I went over a decade without buying a comic book from DC or Marvel. All those years "sober" ended when I "fell off the wagon" by buying issue #5 of Loki: Agent of Asgard in 2014. Now I've bought multiple issues of comic books from Marvel, DC, and Dark Horse.
The Realization: I've made in the past a "One True Captain Jack" icon. It featured Captain Jack Harkness as suppose to Captain Jack Sparrow, or some other Captain Jack. Thanks to Chris Evans I've realized that I have a captain that is simply my "One True Captain." (Well, "One True Commercially Produced Captain," Captain Darien Windsor is my absolute "One True Captain," but I'm talking commercial here.) He isn't a starship captain from Doctor Who or Star Trek. He isn't a pirate captain who was played by Errol Flynn or Johnny Depp. It's the original Captain America--Steve Rogers. He's the only captain I simply call Cap. Later people who've filled in I call Bucky!Cap or Falcon!Cap. They aren't The Cap. It's Steve Rogers all the way.
The Reaction: While I don't think Age of Ultron totally sucked, I do think it sucked more than the first Avengers film. It wasn't a sequel that improved on the original. The first was clunky. The second is closer to a downright hot mess. There were still things I enjoyed in it. They weren't the same as the ones I
listed for the Avengers. For one thing the film didn't have any of Tom Hiddleston's Loki in it, and for another I didn't like AoU's treatment of Bruce Banner as much as I appreciated the treatment of him in the first Avengers film. I can still make a short list of the things that I did enjoy while watching the Age of Ultron in the theater--
1. Better writing for Hawkeye
2. Better writing for Captain America
3. Adding a version of The Scarlet Witch
4. Adding a version of The Vision