Quiz, Icons and Lists

Jul 15, 2010 16:43

The original banner for this quiz prompted me to make the banner I'm using and the Romana One icons I'm posting. The only time I've ever actually done any cosplay I dressed as Romana One in one of the outfits she wore in "The Stones of Blood." I'm not about to use a "Romana" banner that only shows Two.

Take Which Doctor Who companion are you? (girls) today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.
You're Romana!

Silly Doctor. It's adorable, really, how hard he tries. And he is pretty brilliant, you'll give him that. But he always seems to overlook the obvious--including the fact that he's not the only Gallifreyan onboard, thank you very much. You are always calm and collected, and more often than not wonderfully witty, in the face of adversity. The Doctor knows he can count on you, even when you infuriate him!

The first icon is Romana One from "The Ribos Operation." The second is Romana One from "The Pirate Planet" which is my all time favorite Doctor Who story. The third is the first Ianto and Methos icon I made once the muses agreed to having history. The fourth is the second Ianto and Methos icon I made. I don't remember who I got the Torchwood screen caps from, but the Highlander ones came from shadadukal. The last two icons behind the spoiler cut below are cut because I believe they still count as spoilery for the end of fifth season New Who.

I think Eleven said it all when he said, "Live well. Love Rory."

Finally the lists. First up I've updated my Top Ten NPC and PC lists for Stephen Hart, Robin McAllister, Methos and The Doctor.

Last but not least. There was a Fannish Friday Five a couple of weeks ago that I liked so much I've been spending all this time trying to put together my answer to it. It wasn't at all easy. Here are my answers to, "Name your five most-loved fairy tales."

Top Five Fairy Tales
1. Tam Lin
2. Beauty and the Beast
3. The Frog Prince
4. The Snow Queen
5. Hans My Hedgehog


tam lin, the doctor, romana i, stephen hart, rory, the frog prince, fairy tales, robin mcallister, quiz, beauty and the beast, list, icons, tardis, methos, fannish five, ianto jones

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